By Marissa Oliva
SOURCE: M·A·C Cosmetics
The beauty of M·A·C is that inclusivity and giving back are as intrinsic to the brand’s DNA as beautiful makeup colors and artistic textures are. Take their long-standing VIVA GLAM campaign, which the brand started in 1994 with a single red lipstick to raise awareness and funds for the fight against HIV/AIDS. Since inception, 100 percent of the selling price of M.A.C’s VIVA GLAM Lipsticks goes to organizations supporting people and communities in need — and in recent years, they’ve expanded their reach to advancing equal rights and healthy futures for women, girls, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, while maintaining their decades-long support for people living with HIV/AIDS. To date, M·A·C VIVA GLAM has raised more than $500 million (and counting) globally — that’s 9,700 grants to over 1,800 organizations in 92 different countries providing housing, food and health services to those most in need.
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