Harvest 360 Technologies LLC, has been named the Social Equity Partner of the Chicago Expo and this contest celebrates that appointment. The Full Conference Passes will be awarded based on a review of the information provided at the registration link here
A total of 50 winners will be selected. These full conference passes would normally sell for $300.00 each and include full access to the show floor, informational seminars, and the networking mixer Thursday evening June 24th.
“We are pleased to be able to provide this sponsorship” said David Serrano, Chief of Business Development for Harvest 360 Technologies LLC, “I think of it more as a scholarship”, continued Serrano, “the most important thing to offer any type of applicant is, education. The ChiCannabisExpo.com was a major part of our strategy in Illinois in 2019, and now with dispensary licenses from 2020 finally being issued in Illinois, and new application rounds being planned, this show is again happening at a critical time for the local market. The Cannabis Industrial Marketplace has been an important part of our efforts. This show provides resources and educational seminars unmatched in the industry”
“We will have more news soon regarding the partnership with Harvest 360 and their Social Equity efforts”, said Jen Wynn, Vice President of Expositions for the Cannabis Industrial Marketplace. “We are excited to have Harvest 360 Technologies sponsor 50 Full Conference Passes for participating individuals.”
About Harvest 360 Technologies LLC
Harvest 360 Tech grew out of the mission of CEO Todd Scattini to find a way to bring relief to persons suffering from acute and chronic conditions with Medical Cannabis. Harvest 360 Tech is built on that foundation and the commitment of propelling businesses into the most productive, efficient, and compliant positions by licensing patented innovations, and providing technology solutions, including management of implementation.
About Cannabis Industrial Marketplace
The foundation of the Cannabis Industrial Marketplace (CIMP, LLC), “The Business of Cannabis” is a free to use online sourcing tool of nearly 4,000 Cannabis friendly suppliers. The online resource is utilized by Cannabis cultivators and dispensaries to find new business partners. - Coupled with this online presence, CIMP also produces a series of expos and educational cannabis business seminars in emerging markets across the United States.
CIMP, LLC is a sister company of Strategic Market Solutions, LLC (SMS) and TotalWeb Partners (TWP) of Clio MI. SMS and TWP have been working in the B2B space for the past decade helping Midwest industrial companies secure highly qualified leads. CIMP, LLC is now implementing this proven B2B lead generation strategy within the Cannabis Business Marketplace.
Safe Harbor:
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to several risks, assumptions and uncertainties that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those projected in such statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made and are not guarantees of future performance. We undertake no obligation to publicly revise any forward-looking statements.
For More Information:
David Serrano- Chief Business Development
David Serrano
Harvest 360
email us here