

Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 6-K


August 28, 2013
Commission File Number 001-15244

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)
Paradeplatz 8, CH 8001 Zurich, Switzerland
(Address of principal executive office)

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Date: August 28, 2013


/s/ Tobias Guldimann

Tobias Guldimann

Chief Risk Officer


/s/ David R. Mathers

David R. Mathers

Chief Financial Officer

For purposes of this report, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms “Credit Suisse,” “the Group,” “we,” “us” and “our” mean Credit Suisse Group AG and its consolidated subsidiaries. The business of Credit Suisse AG, the Swiss bank subsidiary of the Group, is substantially similar to the Group, and we use these terms to refer to both when the subject is the same or substantially similar. We use the term “the Bank” when we are only referring to Credit Suisse AG, the Swiss bank subsidiary of the Group, and its consolidated subsidiaries.

In various tables, use of “–” indicates not meaningful or not applicable.

Basel III

Pillar 3 – disclosures


List of abbreviations
Additional regulatory disclosures
Scope of application
Principles of consolidation
Restrictions on transfer of funds or regulatory capital
Capital deficiencies
Risk management oversight
Capital structure under Basel III
Swiss requirements
Description of regulatory approaches
Capital metrics under the Basel framework
Capital metrics under Swiss requirements
Reconciliation requirements
Credit risk
Credit risk by asset classes
Securitization risk in the banking book
Equity type securities in the banking book
Credit valuation adjustment risk
Central counterparties risk
Market risk
Securitization risk in the trading book
Valuation process
Interest rate risk in the banking book
Management strategy and process
Risk measurement
Risk profile

List of abbreviations

ABS Asset-backed securities
ACVA Advanced credit valuation adjustment approach
A-IRB Advanced Internal Ratings-Based Approach
AMA Advanced Measurement Approach
AVC Asset value correlation
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BCN Buffer capital notes
BFI Banking, financial and insurance
BIS Bank for International Settlements
CCF Credit Conversion Factor
CCP Central counterparties
CDO Collateralized Debt Obligation
CDS Credit Default Swap
CET1 Common equity tier 1
CLO Collateralized Loan Obligation
CMBS Commercial mortgage-backed securities
CRM Credit Risk Management
CVA Credit valuation adjustment
EAD Exposure at Default
EMIR European Market Infrastructure Regulation
FINMA Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA
G-SIB Global systemically important banks
IMA Internal Models Approach
IRB Internal Ratings-Based Approach
IRC Incremental Risk Capital Charge
LGD Loss Given Default
MDB Multilateral Development Banks
NTD Nth-to-default
OTC Over-the-counter
PD Probability of Default
RAR Risk Analytics & Reporting
RBA Ratings-Based Approach
RMBS Residential mortgage-backed securities
RNIV Risks not in value-at-risk
RPSC Risk Processes and Standards Committee
SFA Supervisory Formula Approach
SMM Standardized Measurement Method
SPE Special purpose entity
SRW Supervisory Risk Weights Approach
US GAAP Accounting principles generally accepted in the US
VaR Value-at-Risk




The purpose of this Pillar 3 report is to provide updated information as of June 30, 2013 on our implementation of the Basel capital framework and risk assessment processes in accordance with the Pillar 3 requirements. This document should be read in conjunction with the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 and the Credit Suisse 2Q13 Financial Report, which includes important information on regulatory capital and risk management (specific references have been made herein to these documents).
Effective January 1, 2013, the Basel II.5 framework under which we operated in 2012 was replaced by the Basel III framework. As of January 1, 2013, the Basel III framework was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and the regulations thereunder (Swiss requirements). Our related disclosures are in accordance with our current interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this report.
The Basel III framework includes higher minimum capital requirements and conservation and countercyclical buffers, revised risk-based capital measures, a leverage ratio and liquidity standards. The framework was designed to strengthen the resilience of the banking sector. The new capital standards and capital buffers will require banks to hold more capital, mainly in the form of common equity. The new capital standards will be phased in from January 1, 2013 through year-end 2018 for those countries that have adopted Basel III. Prior period metrics presented under Basel II.5 are not comparable.
In addition to Pillar 3 disclosures we disclose the way we manage our risks for internal management purposes in the Annual Report.
> Refer to “Risk management” (pages 121 to 148) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for further information regarding the way we manage risk.
> Refer to “Economic capital and position risk” (pages 125 to 128) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for further information on economic capital, our Group-wide risk management tool.

Certain reclassifications have been made to prior periods to conform to the current period’s presentation.
The Pillar 3 report is produced and published semi-annually, in accordance with Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA (FINMA) requirements.
This report was verified and approved internally in line with our Pillar 3 disclosure policy. The Pillar 3 report has not been audited by the Group’s external auditors. However, it also includes information that is contained within the audited consolidated financial statements as reported in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012.

Additional regulatory disclosures

In addition to the Pillar 3 disclosures also refer to our website for further information on capital ratios of certain significant subsidiaries, quarterly reconciliation requirements and capital instruments disclosures (main features template and full terms and conditions).
> Refer to “Regulatory disclosures” under https://www.credit-suisse.com/investors/en/index.jsp

Scope of application

The highest consolidated entity in the Group to which the Basel III framework applies is Credit Suisse Group.
> Refer to “Regulation and supervision” (pages 24 to 36) in I – Information on the company and to “Capital management” (pages 102 to 120) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for further information on regulation.

Principles of consolidation

For financial reporting purposes, our consolidation principles comply with accounting principles generally accepted in the US (US GAAP). For capital adequacy reporting purposes, however, entities that are not active in banking and finance are not subject to consolidation (i.e. insurance, real estate and commercial companies). FINMA has advised the Group that it may continue to include equity from special purpose entities that are deconsolidated under US GAAP as common equity tier 1 (CET1) capital. We have also received an exemption from FINMA not to consolidate private equity fund type vehicles. These investments, which are not material to the Group, are treated in accordance with the regulatory rules and are either subject to a risk-weighted capital requirement or a deduction from regulatory capital.


All significant equity method investments represent investments in the capital of banking, financial and insurance (BFI) entities and are subject to a threshold calculation in accordance with the Basel framework.
> Refer to “Note 38 – Significant subsidiaries and equity method investments” (pages 364 to 366) in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for a list of significant subsidiaries and associated entities of Credit Suisse.
> Refer to “Note 3 – Business developments and subsequent events” (page 76) in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse 1Q13 Financial Report and “Note 3 – Business developments and subsequent events” (page 80) in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse 2Q13 Financial Report for additional information on business developments in 6M13.

Restrictions on transfer of funds or regulatory capital

We do not believe that legal or regulatory restrictions constitute a material limitation on the ability of our subsidiaries to pay dividends or our ability to transfer funds or regulatory capital within the Group.
> Refer to “Liquidity and funding management” (pages 96 to 101) and “Capital management” (pages 102 to 120) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for information on our liquidity, funding and capital management and dividends and dividend policy.

Capital deficiencies

The Group’s subsidiaries which are not included in the regulatory consolidation did not report any capital deficiencies in 6M13.


The Group implemented Pillar 3 disclosure requirements for remuneration required by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) as of December 31, 2011.
> Refer to “Compensation” (pages 186 to 220) in IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for further information on remuneration.

Risk management oversight

Fundamental to our business is the prudent taking of risk in line with our strategic priorities. The primary objectives of risk management are to protect our financial strength and reputation, while ensuring that capital is well deployed to support business activities and grow shareholder value. Our risk management framework is based on transparency, management accountability and independent oversight.
> Refer to “Risk management” (pages 121 to 148) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for information on risk management oversight including risk governance, risk organization, risk types and risk appetite and risk limits.

The Group is exposed to several key banking risks such as:

Credit risk (refer to section “Credit risk” on pages 19 to 40);
Market risk (refer to section “Market risk” on pages 41 to 49);
Interest rate risk in the banking book (refer to section “Interest rate risk in the banking book” on pages 50 to 51); and
Operational risk.

> Refer to “Operational risk” (pages 146 to 147) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for information on operational risk.



Capital structure under Basel III

The BCBS issued the Basel III framework, with higher minimum capital requirements and conservation and countercyclical buffers, revised risk-based capital measures, a leverage ratio and liquidity standards. The framework was designed to strengthen the resilience of the banking sector and requires banks to hold more capital, mainly in the form of common equity. The new capital standards will be phased in from 2013 through 2018 and are fully effective January 1, 2019 for those countries that have adopted Basel III.
> Refer to the table “Basel III phase-in requirements for Credit Suisse” in (page 44) in II – Treasury, risk, balance sheet and off-balance sheet – Capital management in the Credit Suisse 2Q13 Financial Report for capital requirements and applicable effective dates during the phase-in period.

Under Basel III, the minimum CET1 requirement is 4.5% of risk-weighted assets.
In addition, a 2.5% CET1 capital conservation buffer is required to absorb losses in periods of financial and economic stress. Banks that do not maintain this buffer will be limited in their ability to pay dividends or make discretionary bonus payments or other earnings distributions.
A progressive buffer between 1% and 2.5% (with a possible additional 1% surcharge) of CET1, depending on a bank’s systemic importance, is an additional capital requirement for global systemically important banks (G-SIB). The Financial Stability Board has identified us as a G-SIB and requires us to maintain a 1.5% progressive buffer.
The CET1 capital will be subject to certain regulatory deductions and other adjustments to common equity, including deduction of deferred tax assets for tax-loss carry-forwards, goodwill and other intangible assets and investments in banking and finance entities.
In addition to the CET1 requirements, there is also a requirement for 1.5% additional tier 1 capital and 2% tier 2 capital. These requirements may also be met with CET1 capital.
Basel III further provides for a countercyclical buffer that could require banks to hold up to 2.5% of CET1 or other capital that would be available to fully absorb losses. This requirement is expected to be imposed by national regulators where credit growth is deemed to be excessive and leading to the build-up of system-wide risk. This countercyclical buffer will be phased in from January 1, 2016 through January 1, 2019.
Beginning January 1, 2013, capital instruments that do not meet the strict criteria for inclusion in CET1 are excluded. Capital instruments that would no longer qualify as tier 1 or tier 2 capital will be phased out. In addition, instruments with an incentive to redeem prior to their stated maturity, if any, will be phased out at their effective maturity date, generally the date of the first step-up coupon.

Swiss requirements

As of January 1, 2013, the Basel III framework was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder. Together with the related implementing ordinances, the legislation includes capital, liquidity, leverage and large exposure requirements and rules for emergency plans designed to maintain systemically relevant functions in the event of threatened insolvency. Certain requirements under the legislation, including those regarding capital, are to be phased in from 2013 through 2018 and are fully effective January 1, 2019. The legislation on capital requirements builds on Basel III, but in respect of systemically relevant banks goes beyond its minimum standards, including requiring us, as a systemically relevant bank, to have the following minimum, buffer and progressive components.
> Refer to the chart “Swiss capital and leverage ratio phase-in requirements for Credit Suisse” (page 45) in II – Treasury, risk, balance sheet and off-balance sheet – Capital management in the Credit Suisse 2Q13 Financial Report for Swiss capital requirements and applicable effective dates during the phase-in period.

The minimum requirement of CET1 capital is 4.5% of RWA.
The buffer requirement is 8.5% and can be met with additional CET1 capital of 5.5% of RWA and a maximum of 3% of high-trigger buffer capital notes (BCN). The high-trigger BCN are required to convert into common equity or be written off in the event the CET1 ratio falls below 7%.
The progressive component requirement is dependent on our size (leverage ratio exposure) and the market share of our domestic systemically relevant business and is subject to potential capital rebates that may be granted by FINMA. Based on these parameters, FINMA determines the progressive component on an annual basis. For 2013, FINMA set our progressive component requirement at 4.41% compared to our previously reported progressive component of 4.92%. The progressive component may be met with CET1 capital or low-trigger contingent capital, which converts into common equity or is written off latest if the CET1 ratio falls below 5%. In addition, until the end of 2017, the progressive component may also be met with high-trigger BCN.


Similar to Basel III, the Swiss requirements include a supplemental countercyclical buffer of up to 2.5% of RWA that can be activated during periods of excess credit growth. In February 2013, upon the request of the SNB, the Swiss Federal Council activated the countercyclical capital buffer, which will require banks to hold CET1 capital in the amount of 1% of their RWA pertaining to mortgage loans that finance residential property in Switzerland beginning on September 30, 2013.
We also measure Swiss Core Capital and Swiss Total Capital. Swiss Core Capital consists of CET1 capital and tier 1 participation securities, which FINMA advised may be included with a haircut of 20% until December 31, 2018 at the latest, and may include certain other Swiss adjustments. Our Swiss Total Capital consists of Swiss Core Capital, high-trigger BCN and low-trigger contingent capital.
> Refer to “Capital management” (pages 102 to 120) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 and “Capital management” (pages 43 to 52) in II – Treasury, risk, balance sheet and off-balance sheet in the Credit Suisse 2Q13 Financial Report for information on our capital structure, eligible capital and shareholders’ equity, capital adequacy and leverage ratio requirements under Basel III and Swiss requirements.

Description of regulatory approaches

The Basel framework provides a range of options for determining the capital requirements in order to allow banks and supervisors the ability to select approaches that are most appropriate. In general, Credit Suisse has adopted the most advanced approaches, which align with the way risk is internally managed. The Basel framework focuses on credit risk, market risk, operational risk and interest rate risk in the banking book. The regulatory approaches for each of these risk exposures and the related disclosures under Pillar 3 are set forth below.

Credit risk
Credit risk by asset classes
The Basel framework permits banks a choice between two broad methodologies in calculating their capital requirements for credit risk by asset classes, the internal ratings-based (IRB) approach or the standardized approach. Off-balance-sheet items are converted into credit exposure equivalents through the use of credit conversion factors (CCF).
The majority of our credit risk by asset classes is with institutional counterparties (sovereigns, other institutions, banks and corporates) and arises from lending and trading activity in the Investment Banking and Private Banking & Wealth Management divisions. The remaining credit risk by asset classes is with retail counterparties and mostly arises in the Private Banking & Wealth Management division from residential mortgage loans and other secured lending, including loans collateralized by securities.

Advanced-internal ratings-based approach
Under the IRB approach, risk weights are determined by using internal risk parameters and applying an asset value correlation multiplier uplift where exposures are to financial institutions meeting regulatory defined criteria. We have received approval from FINMA to use, and have fully implemented, the advanced-internal ratings-based (A-IRB) approach whereby we provide our own estimates for probability of default (PD), loss given default (LGD) and exposure at default (EAD). We use the A-IRB approach to determine our institutional credit risk and most of our retail credit risk.
PD parameters capture the risk of a counterparty defaulting over a one-year time horizon. PD estimates are based on time-weighted averages of historical default rates by rating grade, with low-default-portfolio estimation techniques applied for higher quality rating grades. Each PD reflects the internal rating for the relevant obligor.
LGD parameters consider seniority, collateral, counterparty industry and in certain cases fair value markdowns. LGD estimates are based on an empirical analysis of historical loss rates and are calibrated to reflect time and cost of recovery as well as economic downturn conditions. For much of the Private Banking & Wealth Management loan portfolio, the LGD is primarily dependent upon the type and amount of collateral pledged. For other retail credit risk, predominantly loans secured by financial collateral, pool LGDs differentiate between standard and higher risks, as well as domestic and foreign transactions. The credit approval and collateral monitoring process are based on loan-to-value limits. For mortgages (residential or commercial), recovery rates are differentiated by type of property.
EAD is either derived from balance sheet values or by using models. EAD for a non-defaulted facility is an estimate of the gross exposure upon default of the obligor. Estimates are derived based on a CCF approach using default-weighted averages of historical realized conversion factors on defaulted loans by facility type. Estimates are calibrated to capture negative operating environment effects.
We have received approval from FINMA to use the internal model method for measuring counterparty risk for the majority of our derivative and secured financing exposures.
Risk weights are calculated using either the PD/LGD approach or the supervisory risk weights (SRW) approach for certain types of specialized lending.


Standardized approach
Under the standardized approach, risk weights are determined either according to credit ratings provided by recognized external credit assessment institutions or, for unrated exposures, by using the applicable regulatory risk weights. Less than 10% of our credit risk by asset classes is determined using this approach.

Securitization risk in the banking book
For securitizations, the regulatory capital requirements are calculated using IRB approaches (the RBA and the SFA) and the standardized approach in accordance with the prescribed hierarchy of approaches in the Basel regulations. External ratings used in regulatory capital calculations for securitization risk exposures in the banking book are obtained from Fitch, Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s or Dominion Bond Rating Service.

Equity type securities in the banking book
For equity type securities in the banking book except for significant investments in BFI entities, risk weights are determined using the IRB Simple approach based on the equity sub-asset type (qualifying private equity, listed equity and all other equity positions). Significant investments in BFI entities (i.e. investments in the capital of BFI entities that are outside the scope of regulatory consolidation, where the Group owns more than 10% of the issued common


share capital of the entity) are subject to a threshold treatment as outlined below in the section “Exposures below 15% threshold”. Where equity type securities represent non-significant investments in BFI entities (i.e., investments in the capital of BFI entities that are outside the scope of regulatory consolidation, where the Group does not own more than 10% of the issued common share capital of the entity), a threshold approach is applied that compares the total amount of non-significant investments in BFI entities (considering both trading and banking book positions) to a 10% regulatory defined eligible capital amount. The amount above the threshold is phased-in as a capital deduction and the amount below the threshold continues to be risk-weighted according to the relevant trading book and banking book approaches.

Credit valuation adjustment risk
Basel III introduces a new regulatory capital charge designed to capture the risk associated with potential mark-to-market losses associated with the deterioration in the creditworthiness of a counterparty (Credit Value Adjustment (CVA)).
Under Basel III, banks are required to calculate capital charges for CVA under either the Standardized CVA Approach or the Advanced CVA Approach (ACVA). The CVA rules stipulate that where banks have permission to use market risk Value-at-Risk (VaR) and counterparty risk Internal Models Method (IMM), they are to use the ACVA approach unless their regulator decides otherwise. FINMA has confirmed that the ACVA should be used for both IMM and non-IMM exposures.
The regulatory CVA capital charge applies to all counterparty exposures arising from over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, excluding those with CCPs. Exposures arising from Securities Financing Transactions (SFTs) should not be included in the CVA charge unless they could give rise to a material loss. FINMA have confirmed that Credit Suisse should not include these exposures within the regulatory capital charge.

Exposures below 15% threshold
Significant investments in BFI entities, mortgage servicing rights and deferred tax assets that arise from temporary differences are subject to a threshold approach, whereby individual amounts are compared to a 10% threshold of regulatory defined eligible capital. In addition amounts below the individual 10% thresholds are aggregated and compared to a 15% threshold of regulatory defined eligible capital. The amount that is above the 10% threshold is phased-in as a CET1 deduction. The amount above the 15% threshold is phased-in as a CET1 deduction and the amount below is risk weighted at 250%.

Central counterparties risk
The Basel III framework provides specific requirements for exposures the Group has to central counterparties (CCP) arising from OTC derivatives, exchange traded derivative transactions and Securities Financing Transactions. Exposures to CCPs which are considered to be qualifying CCPs by the regulator will receive a preferential capital treatment compared to exposures to non-qualifying CCPs.
The Group can incur exposures to CCPs as either a clearing member (house or client trades), or as a client of another clearing member. Where the Group acts as a clearing member of a CCP on behalf of its client (client trades), it incurs an exposure to its client as well as an exposure to the CCP. Since the exposure to the client is to be treated as a bilateral trade, the risk-weighted assets from these exposures are represented under “credit risk by asset classes”. Where the Group acts as a client of another clearing member the risk-weighted assets from these exposures are also represented under “credit risk by asset classes”.
The exposures to CCPs (represented as “Central counterparties (CCP) risks”) consist of both the trade exposure and default fund exposure. While the trades exposure includes the current and potential future exposure of the clearing member (or a client) to a CCP arising from the underlying transaction and the initial margin posted to the CCP, the default fund exposure is arising from default fund contributions to the CCP.

Settlement risk
Regulatory fixed risk weights are applied to settlement exposures. Settlement exposures arise from unsettled or failed transactions where cash or securities are delivered without a corresponding receipt.

Other items
Other items include risk-weighted assets related to immaterial portfolios for which we have received approval from FINMA to apply a simplified Institute Specific Direct Risk Weight as well as risk-weighted assets related to items that were risk-weighted under Basel II.5 and are phased in as capital deductions under Basel III.

Market risk
We use the advanced approach for calculating the capital requirements for market risk for the majority of our exposures. The following advanced approaches are used: the internal models approach (IMA) and the standardized measurement method (SMM).
We use the standardized approach to determine our market risk for a small population of positions which represent an immaterial proportion of our overall market risk exposure.

Internal models approach
The market risk IMA framework includes regulatory Value-at-Risk (VaR), stressed VaR, risks not in VaR (RNIV), an incremental risk capital charge (IRC), and Comprehensive Risk Measure.


Regulatory VaR, stressed VaR and risks not in VaR
We have received approval from FINMA, as well as from certain other regulators of our subsidiaries, to use our VaR model to calculate trading book market risk capital requirements under the IMA. We apply the IMA to the majority of the positions in our trading book. We continue to receive regulatory approval for ongoing enhancements to the VaR methodology, and the VaR model is subject to regular reviews by regulators and auditors. Stressed VaR replicates a VaR calculation on the Group’s current portfolio taking into account a one-year observation period relating to significant financial stress and helps to reduce the pro-cyclicality of the minimum capital requirements for market risk. The VaR model does not cover all identified market risk types and as such we have also adopted a RNIV category which was approved by FINMA in 2012.

Incremental risk capital charge
The IRC model is required to measure the aggregate risk from the exposure to issuer default and migration risk from positions in our trading book. The positions that contribute to IRC are bond positions where we are exposed to profit or loss on default or rating migration of the bond issuer, credit defaults swaps (CDS) positions where we are exposed to credit events affecting the reference entity, and, to a lesser extent, derivatives that reference bonds and CDSs such as bond options and CDS swaptions. Equity positions are typically not included in IRC, but some exceptions exist, such as convertible instruments. Positions excluded from IRC include securitization position and credit correlation products (such as synthetic collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), and nth-to-default (NTD) trades).
The IRC model assesses risk at 99.9% confidence level over a one year time horizon assuming that positions are sold and replaced one or more times. At the same time upon replacement, the model considers credit quality of the old position and assesses the effect of declining or upgrading of credit quality which may lead to changes in the overall assessment of IRC.
The level of capital assigned by the IRC model to a position depends on its liquidity horizon which represents time required to sell the positions or hedge all material risk covered by the IRC model in a stressed market. Liquidity horizons are modelled according to the requirements imposed by Basel III guidelines. In general, positions with shorter assigned liquidity horizons will contribute less to overall IRC.
The IRC model and liquidity horizon methodology have been validated by an independent team in accordance with the firms validation umbrella policy and Risk Model Validation Sub-Policy for IRC and Comprehensive Risk Measure.

Comprehensive Risk Measure
Comprehensive Risk Measure is a market risk capital model designed to capture all the price risks of credit correlation positions in the trading book. Scope is corporate correlation trades, i.e. tranches and their associated hedges and NTD baskets. Scope excludes re-securitization positions. The model is based on a Full Revaluation Monte Carlo Simulation, whereby all the relevant risk factors are jointly simulated in one year time horizon. The trading portfolio is then fully re-priced under each scenario. The model then calculates the loss at 99.9% percentile. Simulated risk factors are credit spreads, credit migration, credit default, recovery rate, credit correlation, basis between credit indices and their CDS constituents. The Comprehensive Risk Measure model has been internally approved by the relevant risk model approval committee and achieved regulatory approval by FINMA. The capital requirements calculated by the Comprehensive Risk Measure model is currently subject to a floor defined as a percentage of the standardized rules for securitized products. The Comprehensive Risk Measure model has been validated by an independent team in accordance with the firms validation umbrella policy and the Risk Model Validation Sub-Policy for IRC and Comprehensive Risk Measure.

Standardized measurement method
We use the SMM which is based on the ratings-based approach (RBA) and the supervisory formula approach (SFA) for securitization purposes (see also Securitization risk in the banking book) and other supervisory approaches for trading book securitization positions covering the approach for nth-to-default products and portfolios covered by the weighted average risk weight approach.

Operational risk
We have received approval from FINMA to use the advanced measurement approach (AMA) for measuring operational risk. The economic capital/AMA methodology is based upon the identification of a number of key risk scenarios that describe the major operational risks that we face. Groups of senior staff review each scenario and discuss the likelihood of occurrence and the potential severity of loss. Internal and external loss data, along with certain business environment and internal control factors, such as self-assessment results and key risk indicators, are considered as part of this process. Based on the output from these meetings, we enter the scenario parameters into an operational risk model that generates a loss distribution from which the level of capital required to cover operational risk is determined. Insurance mitigation is included in the capital assessment where appropriate, by considering the level of insurance coverage for each scenario and incorporating haircuts as appropriate.


Non-counterparty-related risk
Regulatory fixed risk weights are applied to non-counterparty-related exposures. Non-counterparty-related exposures arise from holdings of premises and equipment, real estate and investments in real estate entities.

Capital metrics under the Basel framework

Regulatory capital and ratios
Regulatory capital is calculated and managed according to Basel regulations and used to determine BIS ratios. BIS ratios compare eligible CET1 capital, tier 1 capital and total capital with BIS risk-weighted assets.
BIS risk-weighted assets
  Basel III Basel II.5
  6M13 2012

end of


Risk-weighted assets (CHF million)  
   Sovereigns  4,194 63 4,257 4,765 66 4,831
   Other institutions  855 64 919 1,294 93 1,387
   Banks  14,159 348 14,507 14,024 358 14,382
   Corporates  85,044 209 85,253 76,257 116 76,373
   Residential mortgage  10,675 10,675 10,148 10,148
   Qualifying revolving retail  259 259 260 260
   Other retail  11,085 8 11,093 9,815 8 9,823
   Other exposures  4,010 4,010 7,876 1 7,876
Credit risk by asset classes 126,271 4,702 130,973 116,563 8,517 125,080
Securitization risk in the banking book 14,309 14,309 6,908 53 6,961
Equity type securities in the banking book 11,580 11,580 9,877 9,877
Credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk 16,623 152 16,775
Exposures below 15% threshold 2 12,721 12,721
Central counterparties (CCP) risk 2,026 2,026
Settlement risk 1,272 1,272 305 305
Other items 349 5,503 5,852 3 1,456 1,456
Credit risk  171,158 24,350 195,508 133,348 10,331 143,679
Market risk  42,543 444 42,987 29,010 356 29,366
Operational risk  44,788 44,788 45,125 45,125
Non-counterparty-related risk  6,464 6,464 6,126 6,126
Total BIS risk-weighted assets  258,489 31,258 289,747 207,483 16,813 224,296
Includes risk-weighted assets of CHF 3,235 million relating to pension plans which for 2013 are now shown under the category "Other items".
Exposures below 15% threshold are risk-weighted at 250%. Refer to table "Additional information" on page 18 for further information.
Includes risk-weighted assets of CHF 4,371 million related to items that were risk-weighted under Basel II.5 and are phased in as capital deductions under Basel III. Refer to table
"Additional information" on page 18 for further information.

BIS eligible capital - Basel III
  Group Bank
end of 6M13 2012 1 6M13 2012 1
Eligible capital (CHF million)  
CET1 capital 44,430 41,500 38,943 36,717
Total tier 1 capital 45,989 44,357 41,400 40,477
Total eligible capital  52,848 51,519 49,289 49,306
Basel III became effective as of January 1, 2013. 2012 amounts, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are calculated as if Basel III had been implemented in Switzerland at such time.


> Refer to table “Composition of regulatory capital” on page 16 for further information on the total eligible capital of the Group.

BIS capital ratios - Basel III
  Group Bank
  6M13 2012 1 6M13 2012 1
end of Ratio Requirement Excess Ratio Ratio Requirement Excess Ratio
Capital ratios (%)  
Total CET1 2 15.3 3.5 11.8 14.2 14.0 3.5 10.5 13.0
Tier 1 15.9 4.5 11.4 15.2 14.8 4.5 10.3 14.3
Total capital 18.2 8.0 10.2 17.6 17.7 8.0 9.7 17.5
Basel III became effective as of January 1, 2013. 2012 amounts, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are calculated as if Basel III had been implemented in Switzerland at such time.
Capital conservation buffer, countercyclical buffer and G-SIB buffer requirement is nil as of June 30, 2013.

BIS eligible capital and ratios - Basel II.5
end of 2012 Group Bank
Eligible capital (CHF million)  
Core tier 1 capital 34,766 30,879
Tier 1 capital 43,547 39,660
Total eligible capital 49,936 47,752
Capital ratios (%)  
Core tier 1 ratio 15.5 14.4
Tier 1 ratio 19.4 18.4
Total capital ratio 22.3 22.2

Capital metrics under Swiss requirements

Swiss Core and Total Capital ratios
Swiss Core Capital consists of CET1 capital and tier 1 participation securities, which FINMA advised may be included with a haircut of 20% until December 31, 2018 at the latest, and may include certain other Swiss adjustments. Swiss Total Capital consists of Swiss Core Capital, high-trigger buffer BCN and low-trigger contingent capital.
As of the end of 6M13, our Swiss Core Capital and Swiss Total Capital ratios were 15.7% and 17.2%, respectively, compared to the Swiss capital ratio phase-in requirements of 6.0% and 8.1%, respectively.


Swiss risk-weighted assets
  Basel III Basel II.5
  6M13 2012

end of


Risk-weighted assets (CHF million)  
Total BIS risk-weighted assets  258,489 31,258 289,747 207,483 16,813 224,296
Impact of differences in thresholds 1 (30) 743 713
Other multipliers 707 707 2 1,737 13,226 14,963 3
VaR hedge fund add-on 738 4 738
Total Swiss risk-weighted assets  259,166 32,001 291,167 209,958 30,039 239,997
Represents the impact on risk-weighted assets of increased regulatory thresholds resulting from additional Swiss Core Capital.
Primarily related to equity IRB multiplier.
Primarily related to credit non-counterparty-related risk.
The VaR hedge fund capital add-on was stress-test-based and was introduced by FINMA in 2008 for hedge fund exposures in the trading book. This is no longer applied following the implementation of the RNIV framework.

Swiss Core and Total Capital ratios
  Group Bank
end of 6M13 2012 1 6M13 2012 1
Capital development (CHF million)  
CET1 capital 44,430 41,500 38,943 36,717
Swiss regulatory adjustments 2 1,375 2,481 2,333 2,864
Swiss Core Capital  45,805 43,981 41,276 39,581
High-trigger BCN 3 4,211 4,084 4,211 4,084
Low-trigger contingent capital
Swiss Total Capital  50,016 48,065 45,487 43,665
Capital ratios (%)  
Swiss Core Capital ratio 15.7 15.0 14.7 14.0
Swiss Total Capital ratio 17.2 16.4 16.2 15.4
Basel III became effective as of January 1, 2013. 2012 amounts, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are calculated as if Basel III had been implemented in Switzerland at such time.
Consists of tier 1 participation securities of CHF 2.5 billion, additional tier 1 deductions for which there is not enough tier 1 capital available and is therefore deducted from Swiss Core Capital and other Swiss regulatory adjustments.
Consists of CHF 1.6 billion additional tier 1 instruments and CHF 2.6 billion tier 2 instruments.


The following table presents the Swiss requirements for each of the relevant capital components and discloses our current capital metrics against those requirements.

Swiss capital requirements and coverage
  Group Bank
  Capital requirements Capital requirements

end of




Risk-weighted assets (CHF billion)  
Swiss risk-weighted assets  291.2 280.2
2013 Swiss capital requirements  1
Minimum Swiss Total Capital ratio 3.5% 3.5% 1.1% 8.1% 3.5% 3.5% 1.1% 8.1%
Minimum Swiss Total Capital (CHF billion) 10.2 10.2 3.2 23.6 9.8 9.8 3.1 22.7
Swiss capital coverage (CHF billion)  
Swiss Core Capital 10.2 9.2 26.4 45.8 9.8 8.7 22.8 41.3
High-trigger BCN 1.0 3.2 4.2 1.1 3.1 4.2
Low-trigger contingent capital
Swiss Total Capital  10.2 10.2 3.2 26.4 50.0 9.8 9.8 3.1 22.8 45.5
Capital ratios (%)  
Swiss Total Capital ratio 3.5% 3.5% 1.1% 9.1% 17.2% 3.5% 3.5% 1.1% 8.1% 16.2%
Rounding differences may occur.
The Swiss capital requirements are based on a percentage of risk-weighted assets.

Swiss capital requirements - Basel II.5
end of 2012 Group Bank
Swiss capital requirements  
Required capital (CHF million) 1 19,200 18,388
Capital requirement covering ratio (%) 260.1 259.7
Calculated as 8% of total risk-weighted assets.


Reconciliation requirements

Balance sheet
The following table shows the balance sheet as published in the consolidated financial statements of the Group and the balance sheet under the regulatory scope of consolidation. The reference indicates how such assets and liabilities are considered in the composition of regulatory capital.

Balance sheet
  Balance sheet

end of 6M13

scope of
Reference to
of capital
Assets (CHF million)  
Cash and due from banks 56,584 54,621
Interest-bearing deposits with banks 1,563 2,642
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 173,404 171,571
Securities received as collateral, at fair value 21,675 21,675
Trading assets, at fair value 245,834 238,050
Investment securities 3,546 3,372
Other investments 11,628 8,394
Net loans 246,186 250,383
Premises and equipment 5,459 5,458
Goodwill 8,554 8,554 a
Other intangible assets 237 237
   of which other intangible assets (excluding mortgage servicing rights)  198 198 b
Brokerage receivables 72,247 72,246
Other assets 72,986 49,472
   of which tax charges deferred as other assets related to regulatory adjustments  1,082 1,082 c
   of which deferred tax assets related to net operating losses  1,857 1,857 d
   of which deferred tax assets from temporary differences  4,742 4,742 e
   of which defined-benefit pension fund net assets  930 930 f
Total assets  919,903 886,675


Balance sheet (continued)
  Balance sheet

end of 6M13

scope of
Reference to
of capital
Liabilities (CHF million)  
Due to banks 29,440 30,093
Customer deposits 328,389 336,998
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions 99,073 99,161
Obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value 21,675 21,675
Trading liabilities, at fair value 89,917 90,036
Short-term borrowings 20,976 16,526
Long-term debt 133,505 117,793
Brokerage payables 91,404 91,578
Other liabilities 56,117 37,227
Total liabilities  870,496 841,087
   of which additional tier 1 instruments, fully eligible  1,569 1,569 g
   of which additional tier 1 instruments subject to phase out  6,049 6,049 h
   of which tier 2 instruments, fully eligible  2,638 2,638 i
   of which tier 2 instruments subject to phase out  5,063 5,063 j
Common shares 1 64 64
Additional paid-in capital 1 27,196 27,244
Retained earnings 30,405 30,371
Treasury shares, at cost (62) (62)
Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss) (15,201) (15,220)
Total shareholders' equity  42,402 42,397
Noncontrolling interests 2 7,005 3,191
   of which additional tier 1 instruments subject to phase out  3,151 3,151 k
Total equity  49,407 45,588
Total liabilities and equity  919,903 886,675
Eligible as CET1 capital.
The difference between the accounting and regulatory scope of consolidation primarily represents private equity fund type vehicles, for which the Group has received an exemption from FINMA not to consolidate for regulatory purposes.


Composition of regulatory capital
The following tables provide details on the composition of regulatory capital and details on CET1 capital adjustments subject to phase-in as well as details on additional tier 1 capital and tier 2 capital.

Composition of regulatory capital
end of 6M13
Eligible capital (CHF million)      
Shareholder’s equity (US GAAP)  42,402
Regulatory adjustments (659) 1
Adjustments subject to phase in 2,687
CET1 capital  44,430
Additional tier 1 instruments 1,569
Additional tier 1 instruments subject to phase out 9,221
Deductions from additional tier 1 capital (9,231)
Additional tier 1 capital  1,559
Total tier 1 capital  45,989
Tier 2 instruments 2,642
Tier 2 instruments subject to phase out 4,583
Deductions from tier 2 capital (366)
Tier 2 capital  6,859
Total eligible capital  52,848
Includes regulatory adjustments not subject to phase-in, including a cumulative dividend accrual.


The following tables provide details on CET 1 capital adjustments subject to phase in and details on additional tier 1 capital and tier 2 capital. The column “Transition amount” represents the amounts that have been recognized in eligible capital as of June 30, 2013. The column “Amount to be phased in” represents those amounts that are still to be phased-in as CET 1 capital adjustments through year-end 2018.

Details on CET1 capital adjustments subject to phase in

end of 6M13

to balance


to be
phased in
CET1 capital adjustments subject to phase in (CHF million)  
Adjustment for accounting treatment of defined benefit pension plans 2,606 2 (2,606)
Common share capital issued by subsidiaries and held by third parties 81 (81)
Goodwill 8,554 a (69) 3 8,485 0 (8,485) 4
Other intangible assets (excluding mortgage-servicing rights) 198 b (27) 5 171 0 (171) 4
Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability (excluding temporary differences) 2,939 c, d 2,939 0 (2,939) 6
Shortfall of provisions to expected losses 0 (629) 7
Gains and losses due to changes in own credit risk on fair valued liabilities 0 (461) 8
Defined-benefit pension fund net assets 930 f (206) 5 724 0 (724) 6
Expected loss amount for equity exposures 0 (66) 7
Other adjustments 9 0 28 4
Amounts above 10% threshold 4,742 (4,187) 555 0 (555)
   of which deferred tax assets from temporary differences  4,742 e (4,187) 10 555 0 (555) 6
Amounts above 15% threshold 0 0
Adjustments subject to phase in to CET1 capital  2,687 (16,689)
Refer to the balance sheet under regulatory scope of consolidation in the table "Balance sheet" on pages 14 to 15. Only material items are referenced to the balance sheet.
Represents the effect of the Basel II.5 treatment for defined benefit pension plans which will be phased out over five years starting January 1, 2014.
Represents related deferred tax liability and goodwill on equity method investments.
Deducted from additional tier 1 capital.
Represents related deferred tax liability.
50% deducted from additional tier 1 capital and 50% from tier 2 capital.
CHF 255 million related to debt instruments deducted from additional tier 1 capital.
Includes investments in own shares and cash flow hedge reserve.
Includes threshold adjustments of CHF (4,443) million and an aggregate of CHF 256 million related to the add-back of deferred tax liabilities on goodwill, other intangible assets and pension that are netted against deferred tax assets under US GAAP.


Details on additional tier 1 capital and tier 2 capital

end of 6M13

to balance


Additional tier 1 capital (CHF million)  
Additional tier 1 instruments 2 1,569 g 1,569 1,569
Additional tier 1 instruments subject to phase out 2 9,200 h, k 21 3 9,221 9,221
Total additional tier 1 instruments  10,790
Transitional deductions from additional tier 1 capital (9,231)
   of which goodwill  (8,485) 4
   of which other intangible assets (excluding mortgage-servicing rights)  (171) 4
   of which shortfall of provisions to expected losses  (315)
   of which gains/(losses) due to changes in own credit risk on fair valued financial liabilities  (255)
   of which expected loss amount for equity exposures  (33)
   of which other adjustments 5 28
Deductions from additional tier 1 capital  (9,231)
Additional tier 1 capital  1,559
Tier 2 capital (CHF million)  
Tier 2 instruments 2,638 i 4 3 2,642 2,642
Tier 2 instruments subject to phase out 5,063 j (480) 6 4,583 4,583
Total tier 2 instruments  7,225
Significant investments in BFI entities (18)
Transitional deductions from tier 2 capital (348)
   of which shortfall of provisions to expected losses  (315)
   of which expected loss amount for equity exposures  (33)
Deductions from tier 2 capital  (366)
Tier 2 capital  6,859
Refer to the balance sheet under regulatory scope of consolidation in the table "Balance sheet" on pages 14 to 15. Only material items are referenced to the balance sheet.
Classified as liabilities under US GAAP.
Includes the reversal of gains/(losses) due to changes in own credit spreads on fair valued capital instruments subject to phase out that will be deducted from CET1 once Basel III is fully implemented as well as investments in own capital instruments.
Net of related deferred tax liability.
Includes investments in own shares and cash flow hedge reserve.
Primarily includes the impact of the prescribed amortization requirements as instruments move closer to their maturity as well as the reversal of gains/(losses) due to changes in own credit spreads on fair valued capital instruments subject to phase out that will be deducted from CET1 once Basel III is fully implemented and investments in own capital instruments.

Additional information
end of 6M13
Risk-weighted assets related to amounts subject to phase in (CHF million)  1    
Adjustments for accounting treatment of pension plans 3,298
Defined-benefit pension fund net assets 724
Deferred tax assets 349
Risk-weighted assets related to amounts subject to phase in  4,371
Amounts below the thresholds for deduction (before risk weighting) (CHF million)    
Non-significant investments in BFI entities 3,151
   Significant investments in BFI entities  607
   Mortgage servicing rights  39 2
   Deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences  4,443 2
Exposures below 15% threshold 5,089
Represents items that were risk-weighted under Basel II.5 and are phased in as capital deductions under Basel III.
Net of related deferred tax liability.


Credit risk


Credit risk consists of the following categories:

Credit risk by asset classes
Securitization risk in the banking book
Equity type securities in the banking book
CVA risk
Exposures below 15% threshold
CCP risk
Settlement risk
Other items

> Refer to “Credit risk” (pages 135 to 146) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for information on our credit risk management approach, ratings and risk mitigation and impaired exposures and allowances.

Credit risk by asset classes

For regulatory purposes, we categorize our exposures into broad classes of assets with different underlying risk characteristics including type of counterparty, size of exposure and type of collateral. The asset class categorization is driven by regulatory rules from the Basel framework. The credit asset classes under the Basel framework are set forth below and are grouped as either institutional or retail.

Institutional credit risk
Sovereigns: exposures to central governments, central banks, BIS, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and eligible Multilateral Development Banks (MDB).
Other institutions: exposures to public bodies with the right to raise taxes or whose liabilities are guaranteed by a public sector entity.
Banks: exposures to banks, securities firms, stock exchanges and those MDB that do not qualify for sovereign treatment.
Corporates: exposures to corporations (except small businesses) and public sector entities with no right to raise taxes and whose liabilities are not guaranteed by a public entity. The Corporate asset class also includes specialized lending, in which the lender looks primarily to a single source of revenues to cover the repayment obligations and where only the financed asset serves as security for the exposure (e.g., income producing real estate or commodities finance).

Retail credit risk
Residential mortgages: includes exposures secured by residential real estate collateral occupied or let by the borrower.
Qualifying revolving retail: includes credit card receivables and overdrafts.
Other retail: includes loans collateralized by securities, consumer loans, leasing and small business exposures.

Other credit risk
Other exposures: includes exposures with insufficient information to treat under the A-IRB approach or to allocate under the Standardized approach into any other asset class.


Gross credit exposures by regulatory approach and risk-weighted assets




end of
2 Post-

6M13 (CHF million)  
Sovereigns 59,643 58,825 6,016 64,841 4,257
Other institutions 5,105 4,746 290 5,036 919
Banks 44,201 47,645 33 941 48,619 14,507
Corporates 188,368 186,101 685 595 187,381 85,253
Total institutional credit exposures  297,317 297,317 718 7,842 305,877 104,936
Residential mortgage 97,905 97,905 97,905 10,675
Qualifying revolving retail 692 692 692 259
Other retail 63,420 63,420 8 63,428 11,093
Total retail credit exposures  162,017 162,017 8 162,025 22,027
Other exposures 7,682 7,682 4,010
Total gross credit exposures  459,334 459,334 718 15,532 475,584 130,973
2012 (CHF million)  
Sovereigns 64,930 63,378 6,165 69,543 4,831
Other institutions 5,737 5,431 433 5,864 1,387
Banks 46,403 50,822 23 1,122 51,967 14,382
Corporates 177,115 174,554 1,014 505 176,073 76,373
Total institutional credit exposures  294,185 294,185 1,037 8,225 303,447 96,973
Residential mortgage 96,425 96,425 96,425 10,148
Qualifying revolving retail 156 156 156 260
Other retail 57,768 57,768 8 57,776 9,823
Total retail credit exposures  154,349 154,349 8 154,357 20,231
Other exposures 14,164 14,164 7,876
Total gross credit exposures  448,534 448,534 1,037 22,397 471,968 125,080
6M13 risk-weighted assets are based on Basel III whereas 2012 risk-weighted assets are based on Basel II.5.
Gross credit exposures are shown pre- and post-substitution as, in certain circumstances, credit risk mitigation is reflected by shifting the counterparty exposure from the underlying obligor to the protection provider.

Gross credit exposures and risk-weighted assets
  6M13 2012

End of

(Basel III)

End of

(Basel II.5)
Gross credit exposures (CHF million)  
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 1 316,797 314,358 73,720 323,411 351,806 75,371
Guarantees and commitments 65,371 65,762 26,709 68,168 63,919 24,246
Securities financing transactions 39,072 39,056 10,020 26,445 28,358 4,435
Derivatives 54,344 57,773 20,524 53,944 64,382 21,028
Total  475,584 476,949 130,973 471,968 508,465 125,080
Includes interest bearing deposits with banks, banking book loans, available-for-sale debt securities and other receivables.


Geographic distribution of gross credit exposures

end of




6M13 (CHF million)  
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 1 153,787 80,023 57,582 25,405 316,797
Guarantees and commitments 13,903 19,588 29,915 1,965 65,371
Securities financing transactions 3,359 14,015 19,701 1,997 39,072
Derivatives 5,833 26,495 16,588 5,428 54,344
Total  176,882 140,121 123,786 34,795 475,584
2012 (CHF million)  
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 1 154,942 84,140 60,326 24,003 323,411
Guarantees and commitments 15,562 20,185 28,424 3,997 68,168
Securities financing transactions 2,165 10,431 12,114 1,735 26,445
Derivatives 5,400 28,599 15,093 4,852 53,944
Total  178,069 143,355 115,957 34,587 471,968
The geographic distribution is based on the country of incorporation or the nationality of the counterparty, shown pre-substitution.
Includes interest bearing deposits with banks, banking book loans, available-for-sale debt securities and other receivables.

Industry distribution of gross credit exposures

end of



6M13 (CHF million)  
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 1 17,105 127,122 118,129 54,441 316,797
Guarantees and commitments 4,186 55,046 2,888 3,251 65,371
Securities financing transactions 9,143 23,009 25 6,895 39,072
Derivatives 14,334 29,085 2,386 8,539 54,344
Total  44,768 234,262 123,428 73,126 475,584
2012 (CHF million)  
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 1 15,768 128,172 115,779 63,692 323,411
Guarantees and commitments 4,280 55,923 3,815 4,150 68,168
Securities financing transactions 9,167 13,717 24 3,537 26,445
Derivatives 17,741 25,045 1,461 9,697 53,944
Total  46,956 222,857 121,079 81,076 471,968
Exposures are shown pre-substitution.
Includes interest bearing deposits with banks, banking book loans, available-for-sale debt securities and other receivables.


Remaining contractual maturity of gross credit exposures

end of
1 year
1 within
1-5 years


6M13 (CHF million)  
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 2 175,741 92,321 48,735 316,797
Guarantees and commitments 24,118 39,360 1,893 65,371
Securities financing transactions 38,829 229 14 39,072
Derivatives 51,386 1,894 1,064 54,344
Total  290,074 133,804 51,706 475,584
2012 (CHF million)  
Loans, deposits with banks and other assets 2 188,017 91,884 43,510 323,411
Guarantees and commitments 30,920 35,245 2,003 68,168
Securities financing transactions 26,430 0 15 26,445
Derivatives 19,317 32,159 2,468 53,944
Total  264,684 159,288 47,996 471,968
Includes positions without agreed residual contractual maturity.
Includes interest bearing deposits with banks, banking book loans, available-for-sale debt securities and other receivables.

Portfolios subject to PD/LGD approach
Rating models
Rating models are based on statistical data and are subject to a thorough review before implementation. Credit rating models are developed by Credit Risk Management (CRM) Credit Risk Analytics and independently validated by Risk Model Validation prior to use within the Basel III regulatory capital calculation, and thereafter on a regular basis. To ensure that ratings are consistent and comparable across all businesses, we have used an internal rating scale which is benchmarked to an external rating agency using the historical PD associated with external ratings.
At the time of initial credit approval and review, relevant quantitative data (such as financial statements and financial projections) and qualitative factors relating to the counterparty are used by CRM in the models and result in the assignment of a credit rating or PD, which measures the counterparty’s risk of default over a one-year period.
New or materially changed rating models are submitted for approval to the Risk Processes and Standards Committee (RPSC) prior to implementation. RPSC reviews the continued use of existing models on an annual basis.
CRM is an independent function with responsibility for credit analytics and models, approving credit ratings and limits, monitoring and managing individual exposures and assessing and managing the quality of the segment and business area’s credit portfolios. Risk Analytics & Reporting (RAR) is an independent function with responsibility for risk reporting, systems implementation, model validation and risk and policies. CRM and RAR report to the Chief Risk Officer.

Descriptions of the rating processes
For the purposes of internal ratings, we have developed a set of credit rating models tailored for different internal client segments in both Investment Banking and Private Banking & Wealth Management (e.g., international corporates, financial institutions, asset finance, small and medium-sized entities, commodity traders, residential mortgages, etc.) and transaction types.

Counterparty and transaction rating process – Corporates (excluding corporates managed on the Swiss platform), banks and sovereigns (primarily in the Investment Banking division)
Internal ratings are based on the analysis and evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative factors. The specific factors analyzed are dependent on the type of counterparty. The analysis emphasizes a forward looking approach, concentrating on economic trends and financial fundamentals. Credit officers make use of peer analysis, industry comparisons, external ratings and research and the judgment of credit experts.


For structured and asset finance deals, the approach is more quantitative. The focus is on the performance of the underlying assets, which represent the collateral of the deal. The ultimate rating is dependent upon the expected performance of the underlying assets and the level of credit enhancement of the specific transaction. Additionally, a review of the originator and/or servicer is performed. External ratings and research (rating agency and/or fixed income and equity), where available, are incorporated into the rating justification, as is any available market information (e.g., bond spreads, equity performance).
Transaction ratings are based on the analysis and evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative factors. The specific factors analyzed include seniority, industry and collateral. The analysis emphasizes a forward looking approach.

Counterparty and transaction rating process – Corporates managed on the Swiss platform, mortgages and other retail (primarily in the Private Banking & Wealth Management division)
For corporates managed on the Swiss platform and mortgage lending, the statistically derived rating models, which are based internally compiled data comprising both quantitative factors (primarily loan-to-value ratio and the borrower’s income level for mortgage lending and balance sheet information for corporates) and qualitative factors (e.g., credit histories from credit reporting bureaus). Collateral loans, which form the largest part of “other retail”, are treated according to Basel III rules with pool PD and pool LGD based on historical loss experience. Most of the collateral loans are loans collateralized by securities.
The combined use of a rating model and credit analysis will lead to the following Credit Suisse grades, which can be mapped to external ratings of the three major credit rating agencies. This table also reflects the qualitative assessment in terms of PD for the corresponding grade and the current PD bands.

Credit Suisse counterparty ratings
Ratings PD bands (%) Definition S&P Fitch Moody's Details
AAA 0.000 - 0.021
risk free
Extremely low risk, very high long-term
stability, still solvent under extreme conditions
0.021 - 0.027
0.027 - 0.034
0.034 - 0.044
Minimal risk

Very low risk, long-term stability, repayment
sources sufficient under lasting adverse
conditions, extremely high medium-term stability
0.044 - 0.056
0.056 - 0.068
0.068 - 0.097
Modest risk

Low risk, short- and mid-term stability, small adverse
developments can be absorbed long term, short- and
mid-term solvency preserved in the event of serious
0.097 - 0.167
0.167 - 0.285
0.285 - 0.487
Average risk

Medium to low risk, high short-term stability, adequate
substance for medium-term survival, very stable short
0.487 - 0.839
0.839 - 1.442
1.442 - 2.478
Acceptable risk

Medium risk, only short-term stability, only capable of
absorbing minor adverse developments in the medium term,
stable in the short term, no increased credit risks expected
within the year
2.478 - 4.259
4.259 - 7.311
7.311 - 12.550
High risk

Increasing risk, limited capability to absorb
further unexpected negative developments
12.550 - 21.543
21.543 - 100.00
21.543 - 100.00
21.543 - 100.00
Very high

High risk, very limited capability to absorb
further unexpected negative developments

Risk of default
has materialized
Imminent or
actual loss




Substantial credit risk has materialized, i.e. counterparty
is distressed and/or non-performing. Adequate specific
provisions must be made as further adverse developments
will result directly in credit losses.
Transactions rated C are potential problem loans; those rated D1 are non-performing assets and those rated D2 are non-interest earning.


Institutional credit exposures by counterparty rating under PD/LGD approach

end of 6M13

(CHF m)
LGD (%)
average risk
weight (%)
1 Undrawn
(CHF m)
AAA 26,138 7.74 1.29 80
AA 21,824 12.54 3.56 29
A 1,451 44.19 6.59
BBB 8,917 47.12 24.33
BB 87 36.31 88.21
B or lower 165 39.94 156.89
Default (net of specific provisions) 243
Total credit exposure  58,825 109
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 99.83
Other institutions  
AA 3,261 43.06 9.91 1,811
A 757 38.50 20.89 87
BBB 563 46.63 33.85 123
BB 55 53.15 84.17 11
B or lower 110 20.93 80.33
Default (net of specific provisions)
Total credit exposure  4,746 2,032
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 67.08
AA 7,780 48.25 13.69 967
A 23,209 52.56 21.16 1,730
BBB 8,990 42.11 38.36 377
BB 7,005 44.41 43.62 140
B or lower 440 45.76 147.71 13
Default (net of specific provisions) 221
Total credit exposure  47,645 3,227
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 94.49
AA 35,733 45.58 11.84 8,060
A 39,914 42.60 18.73 10,713
BBB 46,634 37.64 36.51 12,360
BB 46,791 36.37 65.84 7,275
B or lower 15,678 35.55 120.40 4,934
Default (net of specific provisions) 1,351 38
Total credit exposure  186,101 43,380
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 76.34
Total institutional credit exposure  297,317 48,748
The exposure-weighted average risk weights in percentage terms is the multiplier applied to regulatory exposures to derive risk-weighted assets, and may exceed 100%.
Calculated before credit risk mitigation.


Institutional credit exposures by counterparty rating under PD/LGD approach (continued)

end of 2012

(CHF m)
LGD (%)
average risk
weight (%)
1 Undrawn
(CHF m)
AAA 28,379 13.54 2.66 16
AA 25,923 9.47 1.58 15
A 4,876 52.11 30.68
BBB 3,614 54.57 33.42
BB 141 42.74 89.79
B or lower 98 42.46 154.80
Default (net of specific provisions) 347
Total credit exposure  63,378 31
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 98.99
Other institutions  
AA 4,044 50.99 14.81 1,800
A 597 44.56 24.60 128
BBB 555 47.97 36.21 782
BB 53 50.79 84.48 10
B or lower 182 34.42 125.90
Default (net of specific provisions)
Total credit exposure  5,431 2,720
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 69.23
AA 10,677 47.76 11.32 56
A 27,032 49.53 19.03 705
BBB 8,766 40.47 34.37 191
BB 3,315 47.50 82.79 153
B or lower 841 33.65 109.95 12
Default (net of specific provisions) 191
Total credit exposure  50,822 1,117
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 93.66
AA 29,728 43.42 12.04 8,578
A 36,684 38.51 15.64 12,543
BBB 47,125 37.08 34.61 11,830
BB 45,937 36.17 66.37 6,906
B or lower 13,403 31.20 105.20 3,922
Default (net of specific provisions) 1,677 44
Total credit exposure  174,554 43,823
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 75.60
Total institutional credit exposure  294,185 47,691
The exposure-weighted average risk weights in percentage terms is the multiplier applied to regulatory exposures to derive risk-weighted assets, and may exceed 100%.
Calculated before credit risk mitigation.


Retail credit exposures by expected loss band under PD/LGD approach

end of 6M13

(CHF m)
LGD (%)
average risk
weight (%)
1 Undrawn
(CHF m)
Residential mortgages  
0.00%-0.15% 90,707 15.89 7.94 1,327
0.15%-0.30% 4,378 28.47 28.86 119
0.30%-1.00% 2,364 29.07 49.31 62
1.00% and above 221 26.86 93.68
Defaulted (net of specific provisions) 235 1
Total credit exposure  97,905 1,509
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 97.51
Qualifying revolving retail  
0.30%-1.00% 471 50.00 23.35
1.00% and above 220 20.00 60.59
Defaulted (net of specific provisions) 1
Total credit exposure  692
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 99.99
Other retail  
0.00%-0.15% 57,924 50.60 12.60 1,174
0.15%-0.30% 686 47.27 30.36 99
0.30%-1.00% 2,337 41.44 46.82 143
1.00% and above 2,263 35.82 53.64 45
Defaulted (net of specific provisions) 210 2
Total credit exposure  63,420 1,463
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 93.86
Total retail credit exposure  162,017 2,972
The exposure-weighted average risk weights in percentage terms is the multiplier applied to regulatory exposures to derive risk-weighted assets, and may exceed 100%.
Calculated before credit risk mitigation.


Retail credit exposures by expected loss band under PD/LGD approach (continued)

end of 2012

(CHF m)
LGD (%)
average risk
weight (%)
1 Undrawn
(CHF m)
Residential mortgages  
0.00%-0.15% 88,421 16.46 7.39 1,433
0.15%-0.30% 4,946 26.49 27.39 137
0.30%-1.00% 2,575 28.81 46.88 40
1.00% and above 251 29.82 96.97 2
Defaulted (net of specific provisions) 232 1
Total credit exposure  96,425 1,613
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 97.45
Qualifying revolving retail  
1.00% and above 155 60.00 157.31
Defaulted (net of specific provisions) 1
Total credit exposure  156
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 99.78
Other retail  
0.00%-0.15% 51,782 48.45 14.28 1,095
0.15%-0.30% 576 46.71 29.67 92
0.30%-1.00% 2,889 41.88 34.84 120
1.00% and above 2,247 21.55 32.43 14
Defaulted (net of specific provisions) 274 2
Total credit exposure  57,768 1,323
Exposure-weighted average CCF (%) 2 93.93
Total retail credit exposure  154,349 2,936
The exposure-weighted average risk weights in percentage terms is the multiplier applied to regulatory exposures to derive risk-weighted assets, and may exceed 100%.
Calculated before credit risk mitigation.


Portfolios subject to the standardized and supervisory risk weights approaches
Standardized approach
Under the standardized approach, risk weights are determined either according to credit ratings provided by recognized external credit assessment institutions or, for unrated exposures, by using the applicable regulatory risk weights. Less than 10% of our credit risk is determined using this approach. Balances include banking book treasury liquidity positions.

Supervisory risk weights approach
For specialized lending exposures, internal rating grades are mapped to one of five supervisory categories, associated with a specific risk weight under the SRW approach.

Equity IRB Simple approach
For equity type securities in the banking book, risk weights are determined using the IRB Simple approach, which differentiates by equity sub-asset types (qualifying private equity, listed equity and all other equity positions).

Standardized and supervisory risk weighted exposures after risk mitigation by risk weighting bands

end of

Equity IRB

6M13 (CHF million)  
0% 9,078 137 0 9,215
>0%-50% 2,648 32 0 2,680
>50%-100% 3,806 534 0 4,340
>100%-200% 0 15 1,957 1,972
>200%-400% 0 0 2,146 2,146
Total  15,532 718 4,103 20,353
2012 (CHF million)  
0% 11,477 966 0 12,443
>0%-50% 3,740 23 0 3,763
>50%-100% 7,180 34 0 7,214
>100%-200% 0 14 2,208 2,222
>200%-400% 0 0 1,562 1,562
Total  22,397 1,037 3,770 27,204

Credit risk mitigation used for A-IRB and standardized approaches
Credit risk mitigation processes used under the A-IRB and standardized approaches include on- and off-balance sheet netting and utilizing eligible collateral as defined under the IRB approach.

> Refer to “Derivative instruments” (pages 144 to 146) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management – Credit risk and to “Note 1 – Summary of significant accounting policies” (pages 234 to 235) in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for information on policies and procedures for on- and off-balance sheet netting.
> Refer to “Note 20 – Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities” (pages 102 to 106) in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse 2Q13 Financial Report for further information on the offsetting of derivatives, reverse repurchase and repurchase agreements, and securities lending and borrowing transactions.

Collateral valuation and management
The policies and processes for collateral valuation and management are driven by:

a legal document framework that is bilaterally agreed with our clients; and
a collateral management risk framework enforcing transparency through self-assessment and management reporting.

For collateralized portfolio by marketable securities, the valuation is performed daily. Exceptions are governed by the calculation frequency described in the legal documentation. The mark-to-market prices used for valuing collateral are a combination of firm and


market prices sourced from trading platforms and service providers, where appropriate. The management of collateral is standardized and centralized to ensure complete coverage of traded products.
For the Private Banking & Wealth Management mortgage lending portfolio, real estate property is valued at the time of credit approval and periodically afterwards, according to our internal directives and controls, depending on the type of loan (e.g., residential, commercial) and loan-to-value ratio.

Primary types of collateral
The primary types of collateral are described below.

Collateral securing foreign exchange transactions and OTC trading activities primarily includes:

Cash and US Treasury instruments;
G-10 government securities; and
Corporate bonds.

Collateral securing loan transactions primarily includes:

Financial collateral pledged against loans collateralized by securities of Private Banking & Wealth Management clients (primarily cash and marketable securities);
Real estate property for mortgages, mainly residential, but also multi-family buildings, offices and commercial properties; and
Other types of lending collateral, such as accounts receivable, inventory, plant and equipment.

Concentrations within risk mitigation
Our Investment Banking division is an active participant in the credit derivatives market and trades with a variety of market participants, principally commercial banks and broker dealers. Credit derivatives are primarily used to mitigate investment grade counterparty exposures.
Concentrations in our Private Banking & Wealth Management lending portfolio arise due to a significant volume of mortgages in Switzerland. The financial collateral used to secure loans collateralized by securities worldwide is generally diversified and the portfolio is regularly analyzed to identify any underlying concentrations, which may result in lower loan-to-value ratios.
> Refer to “Credit risk” (pages 135 to 146) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for further information on risk mitigation.

Credit risk mitigation used for A-IRB and standardized approaches

end of

6M13 (CHF million)  
Sovereigns 247 0 2,371
Other institutions 11 136 833
Banks 2,993 0 1,105
Corporates 4,483 30,698 15,513
Residential mortgages 3,621 78,531 52
Other retail 51,250 2,840 216
Total  62,605 112,205 20,090
2012 (CHF million)  
Sovereigns 241 0 1,929
Other institutions 10 131 565
Banks 5,303 0 1,673
Corporates 6,667 28,456 16,282
Residential mortgages 3,565 73,441 38
Other retail 47,195 2,778 160
Total  62,981 104,806 20,647
Excludes collateral used to adjust EAD (e.g. as applied under the internal models method).


Counterparty credit risk
Counterparty exposure
Counterparty credit risk arises from OTC derivatives, repurchase agreements, securities lending and borrowing and other similar products and activities. The subsequent credit risk exposures depend on the value of underlying market factors (e.g., interest rates and foreign exchange rates), which can be volatile and uncertain in nature.
We have received approval from FINMA to use the internal model method for measuring counterparty risk for the majority of our derivative and secured financing exposures.

Credit limits
All credit exposure is approved, either by approval of an individual transaction/facility (e.g., lending facilities), or under a system of credit limits (e.g., OTC derivatives). Credit exposure is monitored daily to ensure it does not exceed the approved credit limit. These credit limits are set either on a potential exposure basis or on a notional exposure basis. Secondary debt inventory positions are subject to separate limits that are set at the issuer level.
> Refer to “Credit risk” (pages 135 to 146) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for further information on counterparty credit risk, including transaction rating, credit approval process and provisioning.

Wrong-way exposures
Correlation risk arises when we enter into a financial transaction where market rates are correlated to the financial health of the counterparty. In a wrong-way trading situation, our exposure to the counterparty increases while the counterparty’s financial health and its ability to pay on the transaction diminishes.
Capturing wrong-way risk requires the establishment of basic assumptions regarding correlations for a given trading product. We have multiple processes that allow us to capture and estimate wrong-way risk.

Credit approval and reviews
A primary responsibility of CRM is to monitor counterparty exposure and the creditworthiness of a counterparty, both at the initiation of the relationship and on an ongoing basis. Part of the review and approval process is an analysis and discussion to understand the motivation of the client and to identify the directional nature of the trading in which the client is engaged. Credit limits are agreed in line with the Group’s risk appetite framework taking into account the strategy of the counterparty, the level of disclosure of financial information and the amount of risk mitigation that is present in the trading relationship (e.g., level of collateral).

Exposure adjusted risk calculation
Material trades that feature specific wrong-way risk are applied a conservative treatment for the purpose of calculating exposure profiles. The wrong-way risk framework applies to OTC, securities financing transactions and centrally cleared trades.
Wrong-way risk arises if the exposure the Group has against a counterparty is expected to be high when the probability of default of that counterparty is also high. Wrong-way risk can affect the exposure against a counterparty in two ways:

The mark-to-market of a trade can be large if the counterparty’s PD is high.
The value of collateral pledged by that counterparty can be low if the counterparty’s PD is high.

Two main types of wrong-way risk are distinguished:

“General wrong-way risk” arises when the likelihood of default by counterparties is positively correlated with general market risk factors.
“Specific wrong-way risk” arises when future exposure to a specific counterparty is positively correlated with the counterparty’ probability of default due to the nature of the transactions with the counterparty.

There are two variants of specific wrong-way risk:

If there is a legal connection between the counterparty and the exposure, e.g. the Group buying a put from a counterparty on shares of that counterparty or a parent/subsidiary of that counterparty or a counterparty pledging its own shares or bonds as collateral.
More general correlation driven specific wrong-way risk.

The presence of wrong-way risk is detected via automated checks for legal connection and via means of stress scenarios and historical time series analyses for correlation.
For those instances where a material wrong-way risk presence is detected, limit utilization and default capital are accordingly adjusted.
Regular reporting of wrong-way risk at both the individual trade and portfolio level allows wrong-way risk to be identified and corrective action taken in the case of heightened concern by CRM. Reporting occurs at various levels:

Country exposure reporting – Exposure is reported against country limits established for emerging market countries. Exposures that exhibit wrong-way characteristics are given higher risk weighting versus non-correlated transactions, resulting in a greater amount of country limit usage for these trades.
Counterparty exposure reporting – Transactions that contain wrong-way risk are risk-weighted as part of the daily exposure


calculation process, as defined in the credit analytics exposure methodology document. This ensures that correlated transactions utilize more credit limit.
Correlated repurchase and foreign exchange reports – Monthly reports produced by CRM capturing correlated repurchase and foreign exchange transactions. This information is reviewed by relevant CRM credit officers.
Scenario risk reporting – In order to identify areas of potential wrong-way risk within the portfolio, a set of defined scenarios are run monthly by RAR. The scenarios are determined by CRM and involve combining existing scenario drivers with specific industries to determine where portfolios are sensitive to these stressed parameters, e.g. construction companies / rising interest rates.
Scenario analysis is also produced for hedge funds which are exposed to particular risk sensitivities and also may have collateral concentrations due to a specific direction and strategy.
In addition, and where required, CRM may prepare periodic trade level scenario analysis, in order to review the risk drivers and directionality of the exposure to a counterparty.

The Front Office is responsible for identifying and escalating trades that could potentially give rise to wrong-way risk.
Any material wrong-way risk at portfolio or trade level should be escalated to senior CRM executives and risk committees.

Effect of a credit rating downgrade
On a daily basis, we monitor the level of incremental collateral that would be required by derivative counterparties in the event of a Credit Suisse ratings downgrade. Collateral triggers are maintained by our collateral management department and vary by counterparty.
> Refer to “Credit ratings” (page 42) in II – Treasury, risk, balance sheet and off-balance sheet – Liquidity and funding management in the Credit Suisse 2Q13 Financial Report for further information on the effect of a one, two or three notch downgrade as of June 30, 2013.

The impact of downgrades in the Bank’s long-term debt ratings are considered in the stress assumptions used to determine the conservative funding profile of our balance sheet and would not be material to our liquidity and funding needs.
> Refer to “Liquidity and funding management” (pages 96 to 101) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2012 for further information on liquidity and funding management.

Credit exposures on derivative instruments
We enter into derivative contracts in the normal course of business for market making, positioning and arbitrage purposes, as well as for our own risk management needs, including mitigation of interest rate, foreign currency and credit risk. Derivative exposure also includes economic hedges, where the Group enters into derivative contracts for its own risk management purposes but where the contracts do not qualify for hedge accounting under US GAAP. Derivative exposures are calculated according to regulatory methods, using either the current exposures method or approved internal models method. These regulatory methods take into account potential future movements and as a result generate risk exposures that are greater than the net replacement values disclosed for US GAAP.
As of the end of 6M13, no credit derivatives were utilized that qualify for hedge accounting under US GAAP.
> Refer to “Credit risk” (pages 135 to 146) in III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management for further information on derivative instruments, including counterparties and their creditworthiness.