Filed Pursuant to Rule 433
Registration Statement No. 333-208507

 Filed Pursuant to Rule 433 Registration Statement No. 333-208507   

                   Home · RBCStructured X \ f- C i Secure I https:// wwv.-.rbc usno tes .co m/ beta/   I. I RBC Capital Markets     Regional Sites v Contact Us  IQ Client Centre I  Home curren t Offerings ExistingProducts Productsummaries Resources 0.  Royal Bank of Canada des igns and issuesa rangeof structured notes to meet client investment objectives. we regularly issue notes to the investing public t hat complement equity and fixed income portf olios. The breadth of our capabilities also allowsus to offer strategies that complement alternative investment approaches for generating growth, income and capital protection.  Current Offerings  Existing Products    r• I I I II \ . I 

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     .I I RBC Capital Markets  !!!! Regional Sitesv Contact Us      IQ Client CentreI  Home Current Offerings Existing Products Product Summaries Resources Q.  HOME  TERMS OF SERVICE  Please read these Terms of Service(the "l\greement") carefully. Your use of the Site (as defined below) constitutes your consent to this Agreement.This Agreement is between you and Royal Bank of Canada ("RBC" or "'!iS/". or "!!:!") concerning your use of (including any access to) the U.S. Structured Notes site currently located at https:/ / with any materials and services available therein, and successor site(s) thereto, the "Site"). This Agreement hereby incorporates by this reference any additional terms and conditions posted by RBC through the Site, or ot herwise made available to you by RBC.BY USING THE SITE, YOU AFFIRM THAT YOU AREOF LEGAL AGE TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEEMNTAND THAT YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.IF YOU ARE AN INDIVIDUAL ACCESSING OR USING THE SITE ON BEHALF OF, OR FOR THE BENEFIT OF, ANY CORPORATION,PARTNERSHIP OR OTHER ENTITY WITH WHICH YOU ARE ASSOCIATED (AN "ORGANIZATIO")N, THEN YOU ARE AGREEING TO THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF YOURSELFAND SUCH ORGANIZATION, AND YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE THE LEGAL AUTHORITY TO BIND SUCH ORGANIZATION TO THIS AGREEMENT. References to "you " and "your" in thisAgreement will refer to both the individual using the Site and to any such Organization.THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A MANDATORY ARBITRATION PROVISIONTHAT, AS FURTHER SET FORTH IN SECTION 17 BELOW, REQUIRES THEUSE OF ARBITRATION ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS TO RESOLVE DISPUTES, RATHER THAN JURY TRIALS OR ANY OTHER COURT PROCEEDINGS, OR CLASS ACTIONS OF ANY KIND.Changes.We may change this Agreement from t ime to time by notifying you of such changes by any reasonable means, including by posting a revised Agreement through the Site. Any such changes will notapply to any dispute bet weenyou and us arising prior to the date on which we posted the revised Agreement incorporating such changes, or otherwise notified you of such changes.Your use of the Site followingany changes to this Agreement will constitute your acceptance of such changes. The"Last Updated' legend above i ndicates when this Agreement waslast changed. We may, at any time and wit hout li ability, modify or discontinue all or part of the Site (includingaccess to the Site via any third-party links); or offer opportunities to some or all Site users.Information Submitt ed Through t he Site. Your submission of information through the Site is governed by RBC's PrivacyPolicy, locatedathttps:/ / rivacy-policy.(the "Privacy Policy"). You represent and warrant that any information you provide in connection with the Site is and will remain accurate and complete, and that you willmaintainand update such information as needed.Jur i sd i ct iona l I ssues. The Site is controlled or operated (or both) from the United States, and is not intended to subject RBC to any non-U.S. jurisdiction or law. The Site may not be appropriate or available for use in some non-u.s. jurisdictions.Any use of the Site is at your own risk, and you must comply with all applicabl e laws, rules and regulations in doing so.We may limi t the Site's availability at any time, in whole or in part, to any person, geographic area or jurisdiction that we choose.Legal DisclosureRelating to Structured Notes. Investors should read the applicable information statement or prospectus documents (including prospectus supplements and pricing supplemen)t for an issue of notes carefully before investing,and should discussthe suitability of an investment in the notes with their invPstmPnt rtrlvisors hPfor4l mr1kim1;m invPstmPnt <1Prision. ThP nffMinP' ;mrt <;.;:1IP of nntllc. m;:iv hP nrohihitPrl hv l;:1w c;; in rPrtrtin i 11ri c;rlirtio ns. otPs m;:1v on l v hP 

         ' ['.lLEGALNOTICE - RBCStr x  C i Secure I https:// beta/ lega l  * &!  .I IRBC Capital Mark et s  Home current Offerings ExistingProducts Product summaries Resources 0.suppummflts dild p11c111g suppteli\Uil[)161 di\ 1ssue 61 li0le5 camIuny umore lr\VeStlllg. dlld Silb dlddlsl055um SdlldbhllYbl di\ I11Ve5tiileill Iii me IIOlt!SWitil tileli  investment advisors before making an investment decision. The offering and sale of notes may be prohibitedby laws in certain jurisdictions. Notes may only be purchased where they may be lawfully offered for sale and only through individuals qualified to sell them in such jurisdictions.The infor mation statement or prospectus documents for a particular series of notes are available on the summary page for the applicable series of notes.s. Local Laws;Export Contr ol It is important to note that notall of the products, services and information accessible through the Site are availablein jurisdictions outside theUnitedStates. such information does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security,currency, i nvestmenftund or other product, service or informaiton to anyone in any juri sdiction in which an offer or solicitationisnot authorized or cannot legally bemade or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make an offer or solicitation. For information speciftc to any specific jurisdiction, please contact your sales representativeor advisor. The terms and conditionsapplicable to any product, service or information will be those determined at the timeof provisionof the product, service or information.Please be aware of the lawsof your jurisdictionor that otherwiseapplyto you in relationto any of the matters described in these pages. If you choose to access the Site from outside of the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with appilcable local.national or internationlalaws. You may not use or export or re-export the information accessiblethroughtheSite, or any copy or adaptation of such information, in violation of any applicable laws or regulations, including export lawsand regulations of theUnitedStates in force from time to time.NOT ALL OF THE SERVICES OF RBC ARE AVAILABLE TO NON-U.SR. ESIDENTS.SEC Legend.RBC has filed a registraiton statement (includinga product prospectus supplement, a prospectus supplement, and a prospectus, as applicable) with theU.S.Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") for any offering of securities posted on the Site. Before you invest in any such securities, you should read those documents and the other documents relatingto the offering that RBC has filed with the SEC for more complete information about RBC and the offering. You may obtain these documents without cost by visitingEDGAR on the SEC website at Alternatively, RBC. any agent or any dealer participating in any offeringsto whichthese materialsrelate will arrange to send you the product prospectus supplementt,he prospectus supplement, the prospectus and any other underlyingsupplements if you so request by calling toll-freeat1-877-688 -2301.Pricesand Valuation. Where information available through the Site consistsof pricing or performance data, such has been obtainedfrom, or based upon, info rmationobtained from sources believed reliable, the completeness and accuracy of which has not been i ndependentlyverified.The informationand any analyses available through the Site reflect prevailing conditionsand RBC's views as of the relevant date, all of which are subject to change. Data computations are not guaranteed by any information service provider,and may not becomplete.Any values or pricesare provided for informationpurposes only and are intended solelyfor your use. Unless indicated otherwise, pricesor values may not represent (a) theactual terms at which new transactions could be entered into, or(b) the actual terms at which existing notes could be sold.Certain information including secondary market prices are derived from proprietary models based upon recognized financial principlesand reasonable estimatesabout relevantfuture market conditions. Information based on other models or different assumpitonsmay yield different results. Any prices referenced through the Site may not be inclusiveof applicable fees.You should consult with your advisor or broker with respect to all information.No Advice. The material availablethrough the Site has been compiled by RBC and/or its affiliates from sources believed to be reliable.such material isfor informationalpurposes only, andis not intended to provide (and does not constitute)any financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice for you, and should not be relied upon in that regard. such material is prepared for general circulation to clients and prospective clients and has been prepared without regard to the individual financial circumstances and objectives of persons who receive it Recipients are strongly advised to make an independentreview with an investmenpt rofessionlaand reach their own conclusions regardingthe investment merits and risks, legal,credit, tax and accounting aspects of any transaction. The amount of risk associated with any particular investment depends largelyon the investor's own ci rcumstances.You should not act or relyupon anyinformation available through the Site without seeking the advice of a professional. Past performance is not a guide to future performance; future returns are not guaranteed, and a loss of all or a portion of the amount that you investmay occur.Rul es of Cond uct. In connection with the Site,you must not:Post, transmit or otherwise makeavailablethrough or in conneciton with the Site any virus, worm, Trojan horse, Easter egg, time bomb, spyware or otherromnntPr rod() fll(:l or nrop-r;:1m th;:1t ic. or ic. not4lnti;:1llv h;:1rmfn l or inv;:1c.ivP or int4ln<14l<1 to <1;:1m P"4l or hii rk th4l onM ;:1t i on of or tn mon i to r thP uc;p nf ;:mv 

         -        -  -  ' [jLEGAL NOTICE - REC Str . Xf- C I i Secu re I htt p  s://w  v, beta/ Le g al  * I  .I IRBCCap i ta l M ar ke ts  Home current Offer ings Existing Products Pro duct s u mmar ies Resources QPOS( trJ llSriil t 01 OtiilirWISli rildlW dVdildblli rn1oug11 61 111 COI\I\Q( tlbii With lhli Si tli ar1y VIIUSw, orm . lrdjdii iioiSli , tasrnr ti gg, tllr\Q Do/lib, spywam di Otlllii  computer code, file or program t hat is or is potentially harmful or invasive or intended to damage or hijack th e operati on of, or t o monitor t he use of, any hardware, software or equipment (each, a " ").Use the Sil e for any pur pose that is fraudulent or ot herwise to rtio us or unlawf ul.Harvest o r coll ect info rmat ion about u sers of the Sit e.Interfere wit h or dis ru pt th e operati on of the Site or the servers or net works used to make the Sit e availab le, incl ud ing by hacking or defa ci ng any porti on of the Site : or violate any roquirement. procedure or policy of such servers or networks.Restrict or inhibit any ot her person f rom using the Sit e.Reproduce, modify, adapt, t ranslat e, creat e derivative wor ks of, sell , rent, lease, loan, tim eshare, dist ribute or ot herwise exploit any port ion of (or any use of) the Si t e except as expressl y aut horized herein, wit hout RBC's express p rior writte n consentReverse engineer, decompil e or disassemble any port ion of t he Site , except where such restr ict io n is expressly prohibited by app li cab le law. Remove any copyright, trademark or oth er pro prietary rights not ice fro m th e Sit e.Frame or mirror any portio n of the Sit e, o r oth erwise i ncorporat e any port ion of the Sit e into any product or service, wit hout RBC's express prior writt en co nsentSystematicall y downl oad and st ore Sit e cont entUse any robot, spider, site search/ retr ieval appli cation or ot her manual o r automat ic device to retrieve, i ndex. "scrape," "dat a mine" or ot herwise gat her Sit e cont ent, or reproduce or circumvent the navigat io nal struct ure or presentat ion of t he Site, wit hout RBC's express prior writt en consent.You a re respo nsi ble for obtaining. mai ntai ning and paying for all hardware and all t elecommunications and other services needed to use t he Si te.Monito ri ng. We may (but have no obligati on to) monit or or anal yze your access to or use of the Sit e. We may disclose informati on regarding your access to and use of t he Sit e, and the cir cumstances surrounding such access and use, to anyone for any reason or purpose.You r Limit ed Rights. Su bje ct to your compliance wit h t his Agreement and solely for so long as you are permi tte d by RBC to u se the Sil e, you may vi ew one (1) copy of any porti on of th e Sit e to which we provide you access unde r this Agre ement. on any single device, solely for your personal, non-comm ercial use.RBC's Prop ri eta r y Rig hts . we and our sup pliers own th e Sit e, which is protected by prop rietary rights and laws. o ur tra de names, t radema rks and service marks include RBC and ROYAL BANK OF CANADAa n d a n y associated logos. All t rad e names, trademarks, service marks and logos on the Sit e not owned by us are the prop erty of thei r respective owners. You may not use our trade names, t rademarks, service marks or logos in connect ion wit h any pro duct or service t hat is not ours. or in any manner that is li kely to cause confusion. Nothi ng contai ned on the Site should be construed as granting any right t o use any trade names,t rademarks, service marks or logos with out th e express prior writt en consent of the owner.Thir d Party Matorials;Links. Certai n Sit o functio nality may make available access to i nfo r matio n, pro ducts, sorvices and other mate rials made available bythird part ies, including Submissions ("Thi rd Party Materials"), or allow for th e ro ut ing or transmission of such Th ird Part y Mater ial s, incl u ding via li nks. By using such funct io nali ty, you are directing us to access. rout e and transm it to you t he ap pl icable Third Party Materials. 

         ' ['.lLEGALNOTICE - RBCStr x  C i Secure I https:// beta/ lega l  * &!  .I IRBC Capital Mark et s  Home current Offeri ngs Exist ing Products Product summaries Resour ces 0.We neither control nor endorse, nor are we responsible for, any Third Party Materials, including the accuracy, validity, timeliness,completeness,reliability, integrity, quality, legality,usefulness or safety ofThird Party Materials, or any intellectual property rights therein. Certain Thi rd Party Materials may, amongother things, be i naccurate,misleading or deceptive. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a representation or warranty by RBC with respectto any Third Party Materials. We have no obligation to monitor Thi rd Party Materials, and we may block access to any Third Party Materials (in whole or part) through the Site at any time. In addition, the availability of any Third Party Materials through the Site does not imply our endorsement of, or our affiliation with, any provider of such Third Party Materials, nor does such availabil i ty create any legal relationship between you and any such provider. No such Thi rd Party Materials shall be deemed to be included or incorporated by reference intothe Site.YOUR USE OFTHIRDPARTY MATERIALS IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND IS SUBJECT TO ANY ADDITIONAL TERMS, CONDITIONSAND POLICIESAPPLICABLE TO SUCH THIRD PARTY MATERIALS (SUCH ASTERMS OF SERVICE OR PRIVACYPOLICIES OFTHE PROVIDERS OF SUCH THIRD PARTY MATERIALS).LIM ITATIONOF LIABILITY.TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW,(A) RBC WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVEDAMAGES OF ANY KIND, UNDER ANY CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDINGNEGLIGENCES),TRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER THEORY, INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS,USE OR DATA, LOSS OFOTHER INTANGIBLES, LOSS OF SECURITY OF SUBMISSIONS (I NCLUDINGUNAUTHORIZED INTERCEPTION BY THIRD PARTIES OF ANY SUBMISSIONS),EVEN IFADVISED IN ADVANCE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSSES; (B) WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, RBC WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND RESULTING FROM YOUR USE OF OR I NABILITY TO USE THE SITE OR FROM ANY PRODUCTS OR THIRD PARTY MATERIALS, I NCLUDINGFROM ANY VIRUS THAT MAY BE TRANSMITTED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH;(C) YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVEREMEDY FOR DISSATISFACTION WITH THE SITE OR ANY PRODUCTS OR THIRD PARTY MATERIALSIS TO STOP USING THE SITE; AND (D) THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF RBC FOR All DAMAGES, LOSSES AND CAUSES OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE (OTHER THAN ANY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OFTHE U.S. FEDERAL SECURITIES LAWS, IFAPPLICABLE), SHALL BE THE GREATER OF(A) THE TOTALAMOUNT, IF ANY, PAID BY YOU TO RBC FOR THE RIGHT TO USE THE SITE; AND (B) TWENTY U.S. DOLLARS ($20.00)Indemn ity. To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmlessRBC and the Affilia t ed Entities, and their respective successors and assigns, from and against all claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards,losses, costs, expenses and fees(including attorneys' fees) arisingout of or relatingto (a) your use of,or activities in connection with, the Site (includi ng all Submissions); and(b) any violat ion or alleged violation of this Agreement by you.Termi nati on. This Agreement will continue untilterminatedR.BC may terminate or suspend your use of the Site at any time and wit hout prior notice. Immediately upon any such termination or suspension, your right to use the Site will end, and RBC may deactivate or delete your user name, password and account, and all associated materials, without any obligation to provide further access to those materials.Sections 2- 10 and 12- 20willsurvivetheterm of this Agreement.Governing Law; Arbit ration. The terms of this Agreement are governed by the lawsof t heUnited States (i ncluding federal arbitration law)and the State of New York, U.S.A.,without regard to its principles of conflicts of law, and regardless of your location. Except for disputes that qualify for smallclaims court, and except for disputes arising under the U.S. federal securities laws, all disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement or any aspect of the relationshi p between you and RBC, whether based in contract, tort,statute, fraud, misrepresentation,or any other legal theory, will be resolved through finaland binding arbitration before a neutral arbitrator instead of in a court by a judge or jury, and you agree that you and RBC are each waiving the right to trial by a jury. Except as provided below regarding the classaction waiver, such disputes i nclude, without limitation, disputes arisingout of or relating to interpretation or applicat ion of this arbitration provision, includi ng the enforceability, revocability or validity of the arbitrat ion provision or any portion of the arbitration provision. All such matters shall be decided byan arbitrator and not by a court or judge. However, as set forth below,the preceding arbitration requirement shall not apply to disputes to the extent relating to the interpretation or application of the class action waiver below, including its enforceability,revocability or validity.YOU AGREE THAT ANY ARBITRATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENTWILL TAKE PLACE ON AN INDIVIDUALBASIS; CLASS ARBITRAIOTNSAND CLASS ACTIONS ARE NOTPERMITTED AND YOU ARE AGREEING TO GIVE UP THE ABILITY TO PARTICIPATE I N A CLASS ACTION.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary i n this Section or any other provision of this Agreement or in the JAMS Streamlined Arbitrat ion Rules and Procedures, disputes regarding the enforceability, revocability or validity of the foregoingclass action waiver may be resolved only by a civilcourt of competent jurisdiction and not byan arbitrator. In any case in which (1) the dispute is fil ed asa class, collective, or representative action, and (2) there is a final judicialdetermination that all or part of such class actio n waiver is unenforceable, 

     , ['j LEGAL NOTICE - RBC St• X  -    I        --  -=  f- C I i Sec ure I https:// beta/ Le g al  * l '!l·  .I IRB C Capital Markets  Home current Offe ri ngs Exist ing Pro du cts Pro du ct s ummaries Resources Qfile d as a class, coll ective, or representa t ive acti on, and (2) t here is a final judicia l determination that all or part of such cl ass action waiver is unenforcea ble, then the class, coll ect i ve, an d /or re presentative act io n, to that extent, must be liti gated in a civil court of compet ent jurisdiction, but th e port ion of such class action waiver that is enforceable shall be enforced in arbitration.The arbit rat io n will be administered by JAMS u n der it s St reamli ned Ar bi t rat io n Ru l es and Pro cedu res (currentl y ava ilable at htt p:/ / rules­ st reamli ned-arbit rati on/), as amended by this Agree ment. The arbit rat or will conduct hearings, if any, by teleconference or vi deoconfe rence, rat her than by person al appearances, unless you requ est an in -person hearingc Any i n-p erson appearances will be held in your hometown area. Unless you initiate t hearbitration, RBC will be responsible f or all arb it rator and JAMS fees and costs. If you i nit iat e the arbitration, you wil l be responsible for paying t wo hundred fift y dolla rs ($250) and RBC will be responsible for paying all ot her arbit rat or and JAMS fees an d costs. The arbitr ator's decision will follow the terms of thi sAgreement and will be final and bi ndi ngc The arbit rator will have aut hority to permit the discovery or exchange of non-privileged informati on relevant to t he dispute. The ar bit rat or will have t he authority to award t emporary, interim, or permanent injunctive relief or relief provi ding for specific performance of thi s Agreement, but only to the extent necessary t o provi de relief warranted by the individual claim before the arbit rator. The award rendered by the arbitrator may be confi rmed and enforced in any court having jurisdiction t hereof. Notwith st anding any of the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement will precludeyou fro mbri nging i ssues to the attenti on of federal, st ate, or local agencies and, if t he law all ows, t hey can seek reli ef agai nst us for you.Filtering. Please note t hat parental rn nt ro l protections are commerciall y ava ilable th at may assist in lim it ing access to material t hat i s harmful to minors. current providers of th ese protections are li st ed at:http s: / /en.wi iki /Comparison_of_content -cont rol _soft ware_and_providers_ RBC d oe s not endorse any of th e listed products or services.Affiliates. All d isd aimers and limit ations of liability of any kind in this Agreement. as well all oth er representati ons and agreements made by you fo r thebenefi t of RBC hereunder, are made for the benefit of both RBC an d its affil iates (i ncl udi ng RBC Cap it al Markets, LLC), and its and their respective sharehol ders, directors, offi cers, employees, affi liates, agent s, representa ti ves, li censor s. suppliers and service providers, and their respective successors and assigns(coll ectively, th e "Affilia ted En t it ie s"). The Affi li ated Ent it ies are th ird-party beneficiari es of th is Agreement_Miscellaneous. This Agreeme nt does not create any part nershi p, joint venture, empl oyer-employee, agency or franchisor-franch isee relationship between you and RBC. I f any term of this Agreement i s found to be unenforcoab lo fo r any roason, that term will bo considered separablo from t his Agroement and will not affect th e enforceabil ity of any ot her t erm. You may not assign, t ransfer or subli cense any of your right s or obligati ons under t his Agreement we may assign,t ransfor or subli conse any or all of our rights or obl igati ons undert his Agreement with out restricti on. Ne it her party's waiver of any broach undert his Agreement will be consi dered a waiver of any earli er or later breach. Any headings i n th is Agreement are for convenience only. The ter m "i ncl u d i ng " and its variati ons will be int erpreted as iff ollowed by th o ph rase "wit hout li mitation·: Th is Agreeme nt, including any incorporated terms, i s t he enti re agreement between you and RBC relat ing t o its subject matt er, an d supersedes any earli er or cont emporaneous agreements or understandings between you an d RBC relati ng to t hat subject matter. Not ices to you may bo ma do by post ing t o the Sit e or by o- maiL o r by rogul ar mail RBC will not be rospons ib le for any failure to fulfi ll any obligat ion due to any cause beyond its cont rol.Sit o © 2018 Roya l Bank of Canada unloss ot horwise noted. All rights reserved_        PRIVACY  LEGAL NOTIC  E  ACCESSIB I LITY      Con nect With Us: 0:,  CJ              copyright  e 2018 All rights reserved. This materi  al may not be publlshe-d, broadcast, rew  rittenor redistrib  uted In any form. Please                            ellck here for legal restriction  s and terms of use applicabl  e to this site. use of this site  slgnlfies  your agreement to the terms of  use.                  Royal B  ank of Canada filed a registration stateme  nt  (Includingproduct prospectus  supplemenl:5, a prospectus supplement,      and a prospectus)with the S E[ for any  offeringto which these m  ateri  als relate. Before you lnV(l,st. you should read those    documents and t  he other documents relatlngto the o  ffer  ing that Royal Bank of ca  na  da has filed with the SEC for more complete?                                    Information  t  abou  Roya  l  Bank  of canadaand  t  he offe  ri  ng. You may obta  in  these d  ocuments  without rnst by v  isiti  ng EDGAR on the                                  SEC Webslte at Alternatively, Royal Bank of cm ada, any agent or any dealer particip.a  tlng  In any offerings to which      these materials relate will ;mange to sendyou the relevant product prospectus supplement. the prospectus supplement, the                                prospectus and any other underlying supplements If you so request by cal  ling toll -free at 1-877-688-2301. 

 J C'.JCurrent O ffe rings. - R BC X   f- C I i Secure I htt ps:// beta/Cu rrentO ffe rings  .I IRBC Capital Markets     Regional Sit esv  Co ntact Us      IQ Client Centre I  Home  curr ent Off erings  Existing Products Product sum maries  Resources Q  Income Notes  Growth Notes  ' C'.JCurrent Offe rings. - R BC X  -              al      J  C I i Sec ure I htt ps:// beta/Cu rrentO ffe rings  -* I®  .I IRBC Capital Markets     Regiona l Sit es '-' Co ntact Us      Home  curr ent Offerings  Existing Products Product summaries  Iii Cli ent CentreIResources Q  Income Notes offer an investor the ability to receive fixed or conditional  incom{!  Growth Notes 

           ' C'.I C urre n t Offer in g s R BC X \  C i Secure I http s:// beta/Cu rrentOfferings  .I IRBC Capital Markets  RegionalSites v Contact  Home Curren t Offerings Existing Products Product Summaries  us IQ Client Cen t r e IResources Q  a  e    HOMf  Current Offerings  Income Notes    Growth Notes are designed to enhance returns when market perfonnanrn  is positive 

               J L) Ge neric Summa ries - RB        C i Sec ure I beta/Performance/GeneircSummaries  .I I RBC Capital Markets  Regional Sit es v Contact Us          IQ Cli ent Centre I  Home current Offerings Exist ing Products Produ ct su mmaries  Reso urce s Q  View descriptions and sample return profiles for our IncomeandGrowth Notes in t he foll owing Product summaries.  Income Notes  Autocallable Cont ingent Coupon Barrier Notes (Lesser Performing)  Growth Notes  Absolute Return NotesBarrier Enhanced Return Notes Booster NotesBuffered Enhanced Return Notes Principal Return Notes  PRIVACY  LEGAL NOTICE  ACCESSBILITY  Connect With US  :  0D O  co pyright e 2018 All rights reserved This material may not be published, broadcast.rewrmen or redistributed In anyform Please cli ck here for legal restrictions and terms of use applicabl e to t his site use of t his site signifies your agreement to the terms of    USO 

                 , ['.l Reso urces - RBC St ructu X \C i Sec ure I htt ps:/ / www.rbcusnote m/ be ta  / l earningCentre  .I I RBC Capital Markets        Regional sites"' contact us I Q client centrIe  Offeri  xisting Prod  Homo curre nt ngs E ucts Product summaries  Resources Q        - --..,.._.Ill..    t _. _._    .  HOME  Resources  CUSTOMIZED CAPABILITIES  s    UNDERSTANDING  OUR PRODUCTS          Gain insight on suitability, benefits        and risk      related to our products along      with a v    iew to    how they work.  Learn More    -  FAQ  PRIVACY  LEGAL NOTICE  ACCSES IBILITY      Connect With Us: 1!11  CJ      copyr1ght o 201s ALIrights reserve(l.This material may not be published, broadcast.rewritten or redistributed In anyform.Please click herefor legalrestrictions and terms of use applicable to th is site.use of thl s site signifiesyour agreement to the termsof  use.  RavalBankof canada has fileda registration statement(Including productprospectus supplements. a prospectus supplement. and a prospectus)withthe SECfor anyofferingto whichthese materials relate.Before youInvest,you shouldread those documents and the other documentsrelatingto the offeringthatRoyalBank of canada hasfiled with the SEC for more complete Informationabout RoyalBank of canada and the offering.'bu mayobtai n thesedocuments withou t cost by visiting EDGAR on the SEC Website at Alternatively,RoyalBankof c.anada. anyagentor anydealer participatingIn anyofferingsto whichthese materials relatewillarrange to send you the relevant product prospectussupplement, the prospectus supplement, the prospectus and anyother undertylngsupplements If you so request by callingtoll-freeat 1-877-688-2301. 

             ['.l ELNs.- RBC Struc tured t-. X \   C i Sec ur e I htt p s:// www .rb cu sn otes .com / beta/ lea rning Centre/El Ns  .I I RBC Capital Markets      Regional sites "' contact us I Q cli ent ce n tre IHome curre nt Offerings Existing Products Product summaries Resources Q    -  •  ■'■  --        EM l -'    HOME I RESOURCES    Understanding Our Products  Equity Linked NotesEquity Linked Notes (ELNs) all ow clients to customize return to suit their investmentneeds. Traditional equity investments provide full exposure to the market. whether the performanceis positive or negative.ELNs provide clients with an alternative to traditional equiti es that canoffer an enhanced ret urn if th e underlying equity asset rises, and varying levels of protection if the market falls. ELNs can be li nked to a variety of underlying assets, including indices, single stocks, portfolios of shares and industry sectors, and canbe expanded to include commoditiesand currencies.  senents  Risks  ELNs maybe suited for clients who:Wantaccess to produc ts that can be customizedt o reflect thei r return preferencesWant to limit market exposure t o match their level of risk toleranceRequire growt tl or income in their portfolioPrefer a medium term investment typically of 3 - 10 yearsA1e com forta ble wi t h the cred it ri sk o f the applica b le issuer  custo mizedEquity inv estingELNsdeliver tailo red exposure to equity markets. For marketswith expected growth , clients may consider notes that provide an accelerated or boosted return. These products provide enhanced participation in the positive performance of a selected equity market For investors that require income,notes that pay fixed or conditional coupons at above-marketratesmay beappropriate.RiskToleranceELNsare created to accommodate a variety of risk tolerancelevels. Notes can be designed to provide partial or conditional downside exposure while still offeringupside return in positive markets.Flexible andTimely issuanceBased oncurrent Market conditionsELNscanbecustomizedand made available for purchase within a short time frame, typically a fewdays. Cli ents can choose to partic ipate in ELNs when it best suits their investment outloo k.Transparent, Passive and For mulaicThe return on the ELNs is t>ased on a definedpayment formula appli ed to the performanceof an underlyingasset The current 

                           ' [jELN s RSC Stru ctur ed I\ X  -                    : 1  C I i Secu re I htt ps://w m/ beta/ Le amingCen tre/ ELNs  ' - -c1e. * I©  .I IRBC Cpa i at l Ma rke ts  Home Cu rr fl n t Off flrings Existi ng Pro du cts Product Sum m ari fls Rfl sources Q  The return on t he ELNs is based on a defined payment formula applied to the performance o f an underlying asset Th e cu rren tp erf ormancfl of thfl underlying asset can be o bserved throughout the tfl r m of th fl ELN. The return formula is pr fl-deter mined beforfl note issuance and th e return calcu lation is therefore t ransparent  How it worKschoosing an Equity Linked NoteELNsare created based on t he investment preferences of clients. Investors can choose from notes with a growth or i ncome focus, based on t heir personal requ iremen ts.  Cust omi zing the UPSIDE return and DOWNSIDE exposureInves tor's may cus tomize t he level of upside pal'tici patio n they wan t to an u nderlyi ng equity asset, as well as theamount of downsid e expos ure des ired.  UPSIDE  DOWNSIDE  Growth  Income  eoosu-,R tum  Enhanre:t Full or Partial Fi11.e dR tum R,tum Coupo n s  Cond itionalCoupons  Calla ble-  NoExposure  PartialExposull'l  Condi tio naiExposure            ("Bulfe r'")  ("Ba rti e,..)  Choo sing the Upside Return - Gro wth NotesGrowth notes are desig-ned ta enhance returns when mar ket pe rformance is positive. Booster Not es and Enh im ced Return Not es are two types of Gro wth notes.  Booster Not eA Booster Note will provide a minimum retu rn at maturity ifl he performance in th e underlying equity asset at matur ity is pos itive but less than the stated Boost er Percen tage.For any posit ive performance grea ter tha n the Boo ster Percentage, the Investor will typicall y part icipate i n the full appr eciation of the underly ing equity asset at matu rit y. For any negati ve p erformance In t he u nde rlyi ng  i  <  "<,-  Upsid ePartldpalJon 

                 , ['.l ELNs. - RBCStructured t-. X \    -    '    C i Sec ure I https:// beta/lea rningCentre/ElNs  * &!  .I IRBC Capital Mark et s  Home current Offeri ngs Exist ing Products Product summaries Resour ces 0.  Choos ing the Upside Return - Growth Notes  Growth not es are designed to enhance returns when market performance is positive. Booster Notes and Enhanced Return Notes are two types of GrowthnotQs.  A  Booster NoteA Booster Not e will providea minimum return at maturity if the performancein the underlying equity asset at maturity is positive but less than the stated Booster Percentage.For any positive performance greater than the Booster Percent age, the investor will typically participate in the fullappreication of t he underlying equity asset at maturity.For any negative performance in the underlying equity asset, the investor will receive a return equal to the un derlying equity asset's price return at maturity, unlessthe note includes limits on downsidP Pxposurn.Emp loying a Booster strategy may be appropriate in the followingsrnnarios.AnInvestor Is moderately bullis h: Asan example, a note that offers a SO% boos ter for any return in the underlyingequity asset between o - 50%, willprovide the investor with a SO% payou t at ma t urity even if the performance of the underlying equity asset is 0.01%.This is displayed visually in the graph below.AnInvestor i s bullish but wants to maximizereturnIn the event that equity market performance ismodest: If t he underlying equity asset generates significantly positive returns. the investor partic ipates in these ret urns but also receives the booster return during modest market performance.  Upside Participation  Paymentat Maturity  UNDERLYING PERFORMANCEPertentage change inthe 1.1nd nc e<1uitv M-$Ct  For illustration purposes only. Not an actual Note.  ConsiderationsInvest ors will lose some or all of t heir initial invest ment if the underlying equity asset's price return at maturity is negative, unless th e note includPs limits on downsidPPxposurP. lnvPstors do not rPcPiVPdiv i dends p a i d by t h e stocks i n t he Index.  Enhanced Return Note 

           ' [jELNs - RBC Stru ctured I\ X  -    a.db  =_  f-  C I i Secure I ll ttp s.// w 1,v w . r b cusn / beta/ Learn ingCe ntre /ELN s  * I®  .I IRBC Capital Markets  Ho me  current Offerings  Exist ing Pro d ucts Product s u mmar ies  Resou rces  0.  Enh a n c ed Ret u rn NoteAn En hanced Retu rn Note wil l return an accelerat ed performance of an underlying equity asset if its performance is posi ti ve at maturity. For any negative performance in the underlying equity asset, the investor will receive a retu rn equal to t he underlying equit y asset' s price return at matu rity, unless the note incl udes limits on downside exposure.As an example, if an i nvestor with a l ong t ime horizon who i s l ooking for higher tha n average market retu rns purc hases a 6-year note that off ers 1.s times t he appreciat ion of an equity i ndex, the n at matur ity , fo r any posit ive retu rn i n the index, t he investor receives 1so% of such pos i t ive return.  Consid erations  I n vestors will lose some or all of the ir initia l invest ment if the underlying  equity asset' s price return at matu rity is negative, unless the note inclu des li mit s on downs ide exposure. Investors do not receive dividends paid by t he stocks i n t he Index.  °:, '  I,i.:  z  :';!i  •  Payment ■I Maturity  U NDERLYING PERFORMANCEPn-c11ntali'11 ch ■nll"! in t M lndu  For illustration purposes only. Not an actual Note.  Choos ing the Upside Return - Income Notes  .,.,  Income Notes offer an investor t he ability to receive fixed or condit ional income. Fixed Coupon Barrier Notes and Aut ocalla ble Notes are two types of Income Noles.Fi xed co upon Barr ier NotesThis type of note provides fixed coupon payments on a regular basis and usuall y offers conditi onal limits on downside exposure at matur ity. These notes are commonly linked to a single broad-based equity i ndex, such as the S&P soo® I nd ex, the Russell 20000> I nd ex, etc. At mat urity, as long as the index does not drop to the pre-specified barrier love the I nvesto r receives a return of principa l. If the index trades at or below the barrie r level at maturity, the investor loses pri ncipal in line with the perform ance of the index.considerationsWhile these strategies may meet i nvestors' needs for income, the lim its on downside parti ci pation offered at maturity are cond it ional on the underlying equity asset not trading below the bar ri er level shortly before maturity. It is also worth highlighting th at inve stors do not receive any addit ional retu rn based on the performance of tho underlying equity asset at matur i ty over and above the coupon payments paid throughout the term of the note. All coupons and payments at maturity are subject t o the issuer's credit and are therefore dependent on the Issuer's abil ity to pay at the time.  Autoca ll able Cond iti on a l Co upo n NotesThese notes pay a condit ional coupon if the underlying market is above t he coupon barrier level on the relevant observation date. The notes are automaticallv call ed at a □r ice e□u al to t he or ieinal investment amou nt if t he level of the un derlv inl! e□uitv asset as of the relevant observation date is 

       ' L]EL N :s - RBC Structur ed (\ X  -        !  E. -        a1 X  f-  C I i Sec ure I https:// \.vv.n.v.rbcu sno tes .co m/ beta / l e.arningCe r,tre/ ELNs  *  ...  .I IRBCCap i ta l M ar ke ts  Home current Off eri ngs Existing Product s Product s ummari es Resources QAut ocallable condit ional coupon Not esThese not es pay a conditi onal coupon if the underlyi ng market is abovethe coupon barrier level on the relevant observat ion date. The notes are automa ticall y called at a price equal to the original i nvestment amount. if t he level of the underlying equit y asset as of the relevant observation date i s equal t o or above its initi al level. If t he note i s not call ed during its term and on t he matu ri ty date the underlying equity asset is not below th e pre­determined principal barr ier level, the note returns the original i nvestment amount. However, if the underlyi ng equity asset is trading below the principal barrier level at maturity, t he investor receives t he market return and potenti ally a substantial lossof principal.considerationsWhil e these no tes may provide a greater return over traditional income -generat ing invest ments, retu rns are not guaranteed and are con dit ional on th e underlying equity asset performance. Additionally, return of principal at maturity is al so condit ional on t he underlying equit y asset performance. All coupons and payments at matu rity are subject to t he issuer's credit and are therefore dependent on th e issuer's ability to pay at the ti me. If the notes are called prior t o maturi ty, i nvestors will not receive any further coupons and may not be able t o invest the proceeds i n another product with comparable tN ms.  Choosing the Level of Downside Exposure  ;..  ELNs can be designe d to include a desired level of downside exposure. ELNs may provide full, partial o r conditi onal limits on downside exposure so t hat on ly the protection requi red by i nvestors is actually purchase d, which poten tially allows for greater upside partici pat ion i n t he performance of the underlying equity asset Two common forms of providing downside li mits are the Buff er an d the Barrier.BuffersBuffers offer part ial prot ection from a depreciati on in th e equity market by protecting an i nvestor from a stat ed decli ne in the performance of the underlying equity asset at maturity. For example, a note wit h a 30% buffer li mits the investor's exposure to the first 30% drop in t he underlying equity asset at matu rity. If the underlyi ng equity asset were to suffN a loss beyond 30%, the investor would only participate in the drop beyond 30%, e.g. for a drop of so% in the underlying equity asset, the investor would i ncu r a l oss reflecti ng 20% of the decli ne. Buffer strategies, when combined wit h boosters or enhanced return featu res,offer investors the abil ity to enhance returns while providing insulati on from the ini tial loss of a stat ed amo untconsiderationsWh il e this strategy man ages t he risk of a market fall , the benefits of the buffer are only real ized at maturit y. Th e i nvest or is exposed to any loss on the underlying equity asset beyond the buff er. All payments at matur ity are subject to the issuer's credit and are th erefore dependent on t he issuer's ability t o pay at t he time.  Bar rier sBarriers offer protecti on that is condit ional o n t he performance of the underlying eq uity asset on t he mat urity date. For example, if a note includes a 30% barrier at maturity, as long as th e underlyi ng equity asset does not drop by 30% or more at maturity, investors will receive back their original investment If the underlying equity asset were to drop by 30% or more. i nvestors would fully participate in the drop and lose principal in line with t he drop in the underlying equity asset Thi s is unli kebuffered strategies,where investors would only partic i pate in the i ncrement al drop beyond 30%. 

     ' C'.iELNs - RSC Structured f\ X    -  f-    C I i Secure I h tt p s:// vvww .rbcusn o m /beta/ Lea m i ngCent r e/ ELNs  * I  .I I RBC CapitalM ark et s  Home current Offe ri ngs Existing Pro du ct s Pro d uct s ummar ies Resources 0.underlying equity asset This is unlike buff ered strat egies, where investors would only participate in the incremental drop beyond 30%.considerationsTh e barrier does not provide for a minimum return of princi pal. In addi t ion and simila rt o the buff er above, the benefi t s of the barr ier are only realized at maturity. All payment s at maturity are subject to the issuer 's credit and are t herefo re dependent on t he issuer 's abili ty to pay at the tim e.  Impor tant Infor mat ion Additional Risk ConsiderationsThis communi cation has been generat ed by RBC capi tal Markets' Global Eq u ity Linked Pro ducts and is not a research report or a product of RBC Capital Markets' Research DepartmentThese materials are for informati onal purp oses only and do not contain all informat ion t hat may be requi red to evaluat e, and do not constit ute a recommendati on with respect to, any investment Any reci pient of these mat erial s should conduct it s own independent analysi s of the matter s referred to herein. Investors must consult wit h their own advisors prior to investing. We are not providi ng you wit h any account ing. legal or tax advice in connection wit h t hese mat erials.Before a potent ial i nvestor can purchase any struct ured notes, they must have completed account opening procedures and have execut ed relevant documentati on. Prior t o investing i n a structured note, a potential investor will need to carefully review t he relevant offeri ng documents to full y understand the investment and the potentia l risks. Please revise the "Addit ional Risk Considerat ions" ta b for important risk factors t hat investors should consider in connection wit h the investments discussed on th is website.The informatio n and any analyses contained in this doc ument are taken from, or based upon, i nformati on from publ icly available sources, the completeness and accuracy of which has not been in depende ntl y verified. The informati on and any analyses in t hese materials are subject to change wit h changing market conditions.Any exampl es, calculat io ns or value ranges indicated herein are hypotheti cal and shou ld no t be construed as indicati ve of levels at which an issuer may issue a productRBC Capital Markets is the global brand name for the capit al markets busi ness of Royal Bank of Canada and its affil iates, including RBC Capital Markets, LLC ( member FINRA, NYSE and SIPC); RBC Dominion Securit ies Inc. (member IIROC and CIPF}; Royal Bank of Canada - Syd ney Branch (ABN 86 076 940 880); RBC capital Markets (Hong Kong} Limited (regulated by the securit ies and Fut u res Comm issio n of Hong Ko ng and the Hong Ko ng Monetary Aut ho rity) and RBC Eu rope Limited (aut horized by the Pru dential Regulat io n Aut hor ity and regulated by th e Fi n ancial Conduct Au t ho ri ty and Pru d ent ial Reg u lat ion Aut hority.}@ Reg istered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under license. All r ig hts reserved. 

         '    ELN s.·RBC S tructured I\ X \  f- C i Secure I https:// www.rbcus m/ beta/ LeamingCentre/El Ns  .I IRBC Capital Markets  Home Current Off erings Existing Products PrO<Juc t Summaries Resources 0.  important mronnatlon Additional Risk considerationsAn investment in ELNsinvolvessignificantrisks. These risks are explained in more detailin theapplicable offeringdocuments for a specific offer ing. Before invest ing in anELN, investorsshould carefully readthe relevantoffering documents to ensure they understand all of the potential risks. Some gene ral r isk considerationsfor ELNs include, but are not limitedto the following:ELNsare unsecured debt obli gationsof the relevant issuer. Investorsare dependent on the ability of the issuer to pay all amounts dueon the notes, and therefore, investorsare subject to the relevant issuer's credit riskand to changesln the market'sviewof the creditworthinessof the relevant issuer.Depending on the structure, investors in anELN could lose some or their entire principal if there is a decline in the underlyingequity asset. Even fo r structuresthat offer li mitson downsideexposuret,he return of principal will depend on the relevantissuer's abilityto payits obligations at the relevant ti me.  Some structures pay a variable or contingentcoupon based onthe performanceof the underlyingequity asset This coupon may fluctuate over time and potentially bezero for some or au of the ELN'sterm. In some structures, the coupon may bethe only return aninvestor will be entitled to for the ELN.For structures that are subjectto redempiton prior to maturity,if the ELNs are called beforematurity, aninvestor will not receive any further coupons and may not be able to reinvest the proceedsfrom the callin an investmentwith a comparable return had the ELNsnot beencalled.ELNsare typically sold at par and includefees and costs suchascommissions, hedging costs and projected profits of the relevant issuer or its affiliates. Therefore, the estimated initia l value of a ELNon the pricingdate will be less than the issueprice investors pay for the ELN.Theofferingdocuments of an ELN will typically include the issuer'sinitial estimated value of the ELN. This estimatedvaluedoes not represent the future value of the ELN.ELNswill not be listedon any securit ies exchange. Whi tethe relevant issuer or its affiliate willgenerallyendeavor to maintain a secondary market, they are not obligatedto do so.The issueror its affiliatemaycease anymarket-makingactivitiesat any time. Even if a secondary marketfor the ELNs develops, it may not provide significant li quidity or trade at prices advantageousto the investor.The price at which an investor maybeable to sellELNs prior to maturity, if at all, maybe at a substantial discount from the principal amount of the ELNs, even in cases where theclosing price of the undertying equity asset has appreciated since the trade date. In addition, investorswill not receive the benefit of any contingent repayment of pri ncipal if they sellELNsbefore the maturity date. The potent ial returns describedin the relevantoffering documentsassume the ELNs, which arenot designed to be short-term tradinginstruments,are held to maturity.The returnon ELNs maybe lowerthan the return an investor could earn on other investmentsduring thesame term. Even if the return on anELN is positive, it may be less than the return aninvestor could earn if it bought a conventional debt security of the relevant issuer.Investing in ELNs is not the same as owning the underlying equity asset (or any security or other component including in the underlyingequity asset) directly.For instance, investors usuallywill not recevi e or beentitled to receive any di vidend payments or other distributionson the underlyingequity asset Investors will also not nave any votingrights or any other rights that a holder of the underlyingequity asset may have.Theactivities of the relevant issueror its affiliatesmay conflict with an investor's interestsand mayadversely affect the value of the ELNs.Many economicand market factors willinfluencethe value of the ELNs, including but not limited to, interest and yield rates in the market, time to maturity of the ELNs,expected volatility of the underlying equity asset, and economic, financial, political, regulatory or judicialevents.While the off ering documents will typically contain a summaryof the expected U.S. federal income tax consequences of aninvestment in the ELNs, sign ificantaspects of the tax treat ment of the ELNs maybe complex and uncertain. Prospective investors shouldconsult with their tax advisor before investi ng in anyELN to dete rminethe effects based on their individual circumstances. 

           ,    C'.i ELNs - RIK Structured t\ X  -            -;;:- ill- x - 1  f-  C I i Secure I htt ps:// w,;\/\v.rbcus no tes .co m/ beta/ Le arningCe ntre/ ELNs  e, * I  '8J  I.IRBC Capita\ Markets  Home Curr ent Of ferings Existing Pro ducts Product Su mmaries Resources Q  Equity Linked Notes  Eq uity Linked Notes (ELNs) allow clients t o cust omize ret urn to suit t heir investment needs. Tradi ti onal equity investme nts provi de full exposure to the marke t. whether the performance is positive or negati ve.ELNs provide cli ents with an alternativet o traditional equities that can offer an enhanced return if the underlying equity asset rises, and varyi ng levels of protectio n if the mar ket falls. ELNscan be Iinked to a variety of underlying assets. inc lu d in g indices, single stocks, portfolio s of shares and in dustry secto rs, and can be expanded to in clud e com modities and currencies .  ELNs may bo sultod for cll onts who:Want accessto products l hal can be cust omized t o reflect their return preferencesWant to limit market eKposure to match their level of ri sk toleranceRequire Qrowl h or Income in their portfolfoPrefer a medium term lnvest mem typically of J - 10 yearsAre comfortable with the credit risk of the applicable issuer  Some key r isk considerations In clu de, but a.r e not li mited, t o the following:ELNs are senior debt obli gati ons of t he issuer of t he ELN. Th erefore, ret urns are dependent on the issuer's abili ty to pay. Any secondary ma.rket prices willtypically decrea.:se i f t h e i ssuer's cn:1d i t r i s k i n creases.ELNs most often do not offer full downside protection, so investors may lose all or a par t of the ir initia l investment based on the performance of the underlying equity assetReturn formulas are pre-defined and cannot be changed during the term of the note.Returns could be less t han t radit ional debt securit ies.Returns may be capped (depending on the structure).Altho ugh i nvestors might hold a note li nked to an undertyi ng equity asset that generates divi dends, ELN investors most on en do not receive t he benefit of these dividends (depending on individual note feat ures).A secondary market for ELNs is not guaranteed. The price at which ELNs can be sold in the secondary market, if any, prior to matu rity may be at a subst ant ial discount f rom the invest or's i nitia l invest mentTypi call y, the market val ue of an ELN will on ly fully reflect the return formula at or cl ose to matur it y. Prior to mat ur ity, a variety of fact ors may cause th e market value of an ElN to be less than th e pri ncipal amount, or less than the amount that may be expected to be paid at mat urit y.Prior to invest;ng, potential investors should review the relevant offer ;ng documents for details spNiflc to the ELN offer ing.  How It worKschoosingan Equity Llnkod NotoELNs are created based on t he investment preferenceso f cli ents. Investors can choo se from notes wit h a growth or income focus, based on t heir personal requiremen ts. 

       , Custom ized Capabilities X \   C i Secure I https:// wwv.-.rbc beta/learningCentre/CustomizedCapabilities  .I I  RBC Capital Markets  Regional Sitesv contact us I a Client centrIeHome curre nt Offerings ExistingProducts Product summaries Resources 0.    ........._        HOME I RESOURCES      Customized Capabilities  At RBC, the Globa l Equit y Linked Products group offersa comprehensive spectrum of Equity Linked Notes("ELNs") to sui t the needs of investment advisors, broker-dealers and their investors. We also recognize that a more customizedapproach to product design may be necessary fo r i nvesto rs with unique requirements.  Our customized solutions are often used by high net worth clients with specific needs, sophisticated institutionalclients, investment advisors with a hi gh degree of autonomy, or those looking to offer bespoke solutions.For these situations, we are able to customize many aspects of an ELN. If an off -the -shelfso lution does not meet your requirements. or you havea distinct view of the market, we havethe ability to addressyour needs. We will wo rk withyo u to creat e a solut i on that fits your investment mandate.  contact usGeneral Inquiriesstruc t ur ed .no t es@rbcc m  EAST  CENTRAL  WEST  Brent Prowse  David Barnes  Dan cart er  1.844.494,4369  1,844.272.2705  1.844.494.4368  Hotline(for advisorsonly)1.844.408.7346 

         ' [jFAQ - RIK S.truct ure<l Ne X --            1 , . .:. -;-    - x- 1  f-  C I i Secure I htt ps:/ J\,vww.rb cusn o t m/ beta / Leam ingCentre/FAQs  El. * . I .-y,  .I I RBC Capital Markets sites v contact us  Home currnnt orrerlngs Existi ng Products Product summaries  Ia Clie nt cent reIResourcos Q  A  Q What type of investors should consider purchasing RBC Structured Nat es?II  RBC Str uct ur ed Notes are created for investors who are intereste d in:  Th e p otenti al to ea.rn a return great er than what is avail able from traditi onal investmentsExposure to eq uity markets with the pot ential for enhanced returns with t he possibility for mitigati ng downside exposure.Exposure to equity markets that are ot herw i se difficult t a access directly.Investors who are comfo rtable with potential loss of pri ncipal, dependi ng on th e note terms.Investors who are rnm fortab le with the credit risk of the is.suer.  Q What are some of t he risks associ ated with RBC St ructured Notes?II  Same of the risks associat ed with RBC St ru ct ured Notes. are:  All paym ent s are subject t o the issuer's credit risk.Pot ential to Lose som e or all principa l.Limited to no secondary marketPlease see "Understanding Ou r Prod ucts and the offering documents for t he specific Note for a more detailed descri pt io n of the potenti al risks.  Q Are there opport unities for a client to r eceive, regular cash flows fr om an RBC Structured Note?  RBC Str uctur ed Notes may provide regular m ed-payment or contingent payment cash flows. RBC cl assifies these notes as Income Notes. Peri odic payments may be cont ingent on the per1ormance of the applicable asset  A  A  A  IIQ What informati on is available to potential purchasers of RBC St ructu red Notes new issues?IJ  This in format ion is availab le wit hin the Produ cts. section of the website. The pr eli min ary and fin al off ering documents are filed and available for review 

           ' [jFAQ - RBC Structure d t-.c X  --            -• ill  f-  C I i Secu re I https :// beta/ Lea m mgCe nt re/ FAQs  e. * I  I.IRBC Capital Markets  Home Cu rr ent Offe rings Existing Products Prod uct Su mmaries Resources 0.  "'  This informat ion is avail able wit hin t he Products section of the website. The preli minary and fmal offering documen ts are filed and available for review on t he SEC web sit e.  Are fee s i n cl u de d i n RBC St ru ct u re d Not es?  All f ees and commissions are set forth in the relevant prospectus.  Q What i nformati on is available to potential purchasers of RBC St ru ct ured Note s new i ssues?aQaQ  ca n an invest or sell an RBC Stru ctu red No t e p ri o r t o matu rity?  From the RBC LaunchPad homepage, select "'TradewebDi rect·, select "'Bid Wanted Requese and enter the CUSIP.For technica l Issues with Tradeweb, please contact the Business Appli cation & Support gmup (the Bats line) 1-866-789-6608 . For general questions regardi ng selling Notes thro ugh RBC, please contact the desk at 1-844 -408 -7346.  Ttlt! rnrormatlon allovl! /H!rtllns to Structu rl! CI Not t!s lssuM lly Royal Bilnk or canaaa_ l'll!nht!r Roy.11 Bank or Canada, nor any or rts amt lat s. makfis any rnmml!nt on thl! basis on Which ootl!s tm! l)roVI Cll! El byot hl!r S0U rD! 5-  "'  "'  Wh il e no t obl igated to do so, RBC o r it s affili ates may maint ain a daily secondary market in its sole discret ion. Any secondary mar ket may not provide significant Li q u id ity or trade at prices advant ageous to the investor. Not es are intended to be held until maturity.  IIQ can I sell ml( Not es t hrough RBC?a  "'  PRIVACY  L.IGAL NOTICE    ACCESSIB  ILITY            Connect Wit h Us: 11:1 Cl fi;'I      st. ll!wrltten or redl!itrllmted ln any form. Please  copyr1ght o zo1e All r1gllts reserved. This mater1al  mav  not be publlshed, broadca  cllct here for legal restrictions and term-; of use appllc:able lo this site. use of this      s1te  slgnlfiesyour agreement to the terms of  use.                ed a ll!glstraUon statement !Inc  Royal Bank of c.anada has fil ludingproduct prospectus supplements, a prospectus supplement,  and a prospectus) wittl the SEC for any offer1ng to which these materials relat e. Before you Invest, you shou ld read those          doruments and the other documents  relati n  g to the offer1ne thatRoyat Bank.of canada has filed with the SEC for more complete        Informatio n about Royal Bani: of canaela and t he o rlng.1itlu may obtain these Cloc uments wlthout cost by visi  ti ng EDGAR oo the        SEC website at  Alterna  tivel y,Royal Bank ofc.anada, any agent o r any dea  l e  r p  a rtk lpaU ng In anyofferlngs to which            these materials relate wlll arrange to send vuu the relevant produn prospectus supplement, the pms ectus suppl  eme  nt. the   and any other underlying s  upplements if you so request by c:.alting toll-freeat 1-877-688-2301.