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For the month of August, 2008

Commission File Number 32297


CPFL Energy Incorporated
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Federative Republic of Brazil
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São Paulo, August 12th, 2008 – CPFL Energia S.A. (Bovespa: CPFE3 and NYSE: CPL), announces the 2Q08 results. The following financial and operational information, unless otherwise indicated, is presented in a consolidated form and is in accordance with applicable legislation. Comparisons are relative to 2Q07, unless otherwise stated.


Indicators (R$ Million)   2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Sales within the Concession Area - GWh    12,067    11,476    5.1%    24,117    22,628    6.6% 
   Captive Market    9,121    8,687    5.0%    18,289    17,239    6.1% 
   TUSD    2,946    2,789    5.6%    5,828    5,390    8.1% 
Sales in the Free Market - GWh    2,192    2,329    -5.9%    4,277    4,145    3.2% 
Gross Operating Revenue    3,439    3,410    0.9%    7,121    6,751    5.5% 
Net Operating Revenue    2,310    2,224    3.9%    4,795    4,377    9.5% 
EBITDA    718    814    -11.8%    1,364    1,683    -19.0% 
EBITDA Margin     31.1%         36.6%    -5.5%         28.4%         38.4%    -10.0% 
Net Income    329    369    -11.1%    602    842    -28.6% 
Net Income per Share - R$    0.68    0.77    -11.1%    1.25    1.76    -28.6% 
Investments    254    312    -18.6%    483    549    -12.0% 
 Note: EBITDA is calculated from the sum of net income, taxes, financial result, depreciation/amortization and pension fund  contributions plus adjustments for extraordinary items. 


Teleconference in Portuguese with Simultaneous Translation in English (Bilingual Q&A)   Investor Relations 
•    Wednesday, August 13th, 2008 – 11:00 am (SP), 10:00 am (EST)    
    Portuguese: 55-11-4688-6301 – Code: CPFL 
    English: 1-888-700-0802 (US) and 1-786-924-6977 (Other Countries) – Code: CPFL 
•    Webcast:     

2Q08 Results | August 12th 2008 


     1.1) Sales within the Distributors’ Concession Area   
     1.1.1) Sales to the Captive Market   
     1.1.2) Sales by Consumer Class – Captive Market   
     1.2) Sales to the Free Market   
     2.1) Operating Revenue   
     2.2) Cost of Electric Power   
     2.3) Operating Costs and Expenses   
     2.4) EBITDA   
     2.5) Financial Result   
     2.6) Net Income   
3) DEBT   
5) CASH FLOW    11 
6) DIVIDENDS    12 
7) STOCK MARKET    13 
     7.1) Shares Performance    13 
     7.2) Ratings    14 
     10.1) Distribution Segment    17 
     10.1.1) Economic-Financial Performance    17 
     10.1.2) Tariff Revisions    19 
     10.2) Commercialization Segment    22 
     10.3) Generation Segment    23 
11) ATTACHMENTS    26 
     11.1) Sales to the Captive Market by Distributors (in GWh)   26 
     11.2) Economic-Financial Performance by Distributors    27 
     11.3) Statement of Assets - CPFL Energia    29 
     11.4) Statement of Liabilities - CPFL Energia    30 
     11.5) Income Statement - CPFL Energia    31 
     11.6) Income Statement - Consolidated Distribution Segment    32 
     11.7) Income Statement - Consolidated Generation Segment    33 

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1.1) Sales within the Distributors’ Concession Area

In 2Q08, sales within the concession area, achieved by the distribution segment, totaled 12,067 GWh, an increase of 5.1%, due mainly to organic growth in the distributors’ concession area and the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil (now denominated as CPFL Jaguariúna). Disregarding the effect of this acquisition, the increase would have been 2.0% .

Sales within the Concession Area - GWh
   2Q08  2Q07  Var.  1H08  1H07  Var. 
Captive Market  9,121  8,687  5.0%  18,289  17,239  6.1% 
TUSD  2,946  2,789  5.6%  5,828  5,390  8.1% 
Total  12,067  11,476  5.1%  24,117  22,628  6.6% 

Sales to the captive market totaled 9,121 GWh, an increase of 5.0%, due to the organic growth and the acquisition mentioned above. Disregarding the effect of the acquisition, the increase would have been 1.2% . The quantity of energy, in GWh, corresponding to the consumption by free clients in the distributors’ areas of activity, billed through the Tariff of Use of the Distribution System (TUSD), reached 2,946 GWh, an increase of 5.6% . Disregarding the effect of the aforementioned acquisition, the increase would have been 4.4% .

1.1.1) Sales to the Captive Market

Captive Market - GWh
  2Q08  2Q07  Var.  1H08  1H07  Var. 
Residential  2,848  2,635  8.1%  5,735  5,322  7.8% 
Industrial  2,969  2,823  5.2%  5,804  5,504  5.5% 
Commercial  1,654  1,607  2.9%  3,402  3,252  4.6% 
Rural  579  587  -1.5%  1,207  1,133  6.6% 
Others  1,072  1,035  3.5%  2,141  2,028  5.6% 
Total  9,121  8,687  5.0%  18,289  17,239  6.1% 
Note: The captive market sales tables by distributor are attached to this report in item 11.1.   

In the captive market, emphasis is given to the growth in the residential class (8.1%) and industrial class (5.2%), which together account for 63.8% of the total consumption by the group distributors’ captive clients. If the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil were not taken into account, the sales performances would be:

Residential and commercial classes: increases of 5.3% and 0.9%, respectively. The performance by the commercial class was favored by the expansion in earning power and the ready availability of credit. These effects combined with the reduction in the price of domestic appliances have fuelled the expansion of the residential class. The temperatures over the period, which were below those registered in 2Q07, impeded even higher growth of these classes;

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Industrial class: remained almost steady (increase of 0.4%), due mainly to the migration of captive clients to the free market and, most importantly the so called “special clients”, which have contracted demand over 500 kW and are qualified to purchase electric power from alternative generation sources, such as biomass and small hydroelectric plants (PCHs).

1.1.2) Sales by Consumer Class – Captive Market

1.2) Sales to the Free Market

Free Market - GWh
  2Q08  2Q07  Var.  1H08  1H07  Var. 
Total  2,192  2,329  -5.9%  4,277  4,145   3.2% 

Sales to the free market made by the commercialization segment were down 5.9%, due to the reduction in sales through short term contracts.

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Consolidated Income Statement - CPFL ENERGIA (R$ Thousands)
  2Q08   2Q07  Var.  1H08  1H07  Var. 
Gross Operating Revenues  3,439,122  3,409,587  0.9%  7,121,137  6,751,315  5.5% 
Net Operating Revenues  2,310,373  2,224,201  3.9%  4,794,857  4,377,395  9.5% 
Cost of Electric Power  (1,293,041) (1,149,388) 12.5%  (2,845,706) (2,200,564) 29.3% 
Operating Costs & Expenses  (377,342) (348,809) 8.2%  (740,518) (663,865) 11.5% 
EBIT  639,990  726,004  -11.8%  1,208,633  1,512,966  -20.1% 
EBITDA  717,933  814,100  -11.8%  1,363,553  1,682,989  -19.0% 
Financial Income (Expense) (140,978) (156,145) -9.7%  (258,785) (263,191) -1.7% 
Operating Income  499,012  569,859  -12.4%  949,848  1,249,775  -24.0% 
Income Before Taxes  499,298  567,534  -12.0%  943,699  1,244,611  -24.2% 
NET INCOME  328,509  369,447  -11.1%  601,576  842,375  -28.6% 
EPS - R$  0.68  0.77  -11.1%  1.25  1.76  -28.6% 
 Note: Financial information on CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007. 

2.1) Operating Revenue

Gross operating revenue in 2Q08 was R$ 3,439 million, representing growth of 0.9% (R$ 30 million). Net operating revenue reached R$ 2,310 million, equivalent to growth of 3.9% (R$ 86 million).

The main contributing factors to this evolution in operating revenue were:

The increase in operating revenue was partially offset by distributors’ tariff revision:

In 1H08, gross operating revenue was R$ 7,121 million, representing growth of 5.5% (R$ 370 million). Net operating revenue reached R$ 4,795 million, equivalent to growth of 9.5% (R$ 417 million).

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2.2) Cost of Electric Power

The cost of electric power, which consists of the purchase of electric power for resale and charges for the use of the distribution and transmission systems, amounted to R$ 1,293 million in 2Q08, representing an increase of 12.5% (R$ 144 million):

• The cost of energy purchased for resale in 2Q08 was R$ 1,096 million, which represents an increase of 12.4% (R$ 121 million). The main explanatory factors for this variation are:

(i) Increase of 6.9% (R$ 73 million) in the cost of purchased energy in both the free and regulated contracting markets;

(ii) Increase resulting from the amortization of the 2001 Parcel A, regarding purchased energy and charges (R$ 46 million). The amortization of Parcel A affected the revenues, the deductions from operating revenues and the expenses, without affecting the net income.

The increase in the cost of energy purchased for resale was partially offset by PIS and COFINS tax credits generated by the purchase of energy (R$ 16 million).

• Charges for the use of the transmission and distribution system reached R$ 198 million in 2Q08, an increase of 12.9% (R$ 23 million).

2.3) Operating Costs and Expenses

Costs and operating expenses were R$ 377 million in 2Q08, registering an increase of 8.2% (R$ 29 million).

The main factors contributing to this variation in operating costs and expenses are the following:

• The item PMSO registered an increase of 14.8% (R$ 38 million), due mainly to the following factors:

(i) Spending on personnel which registered an increase of 26.3% (R$ 28 million), due, among other factors, to the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil (R$ 8 million) and the increases at CPFL Paulista (R$ 11 million) and CPFL Piratininga (R$ 4 million), resulting from the 2007 collective agreement salary hikes together with the complement of the profit sharing referring to the same year, paid in April 2008;

(ii) Spending on outsourced services which registered an increase of 11.2% (R$ 9 million), due, among other factors, to the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil (R$ 5 million).

Note: PMSO considers Personnel, Materials, Outsourced Services and Others.

The increase in operating costs and expenses was partially offset by the following factor:

• The item Private Pension Fund, which represented revenue of R$ 13 million in 2Q07, and now in 2Q08, represents revenue of R$ 21 million, due to the impact from the expected real earnings of the plan’s assets, as defined in the Actuary Report of December 2007.


Based on the factors herein described, CPFL Energia EBITDA, in 2Q08, was R$ 718 million, registering a reduction of 11.8% (R$ 96 million).

In 1H08, EBITDA was R$ 1,364 million, registering a fall of 19.0% (R$ 319 million).

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2.5) Financial Result

In 2Q08, the financial result, or the net financial expense was R$ 141 million, a reduction of 9.7% (R$ 15 million) compared to the R$ 156 million registered in 2Q07. Items that help explain this variation are:

• Financial Revenues: an increase of 11.7% (R$ 9 million), rising from R$ 77 million in 2Q07 to R$ 85 million in 2Q08, mainly due to:

(i) Increases in the items Earnings and Financial Investments (R$ 7 million), Surcharges and Default Fines (R$ 3 million), Write-up of Judicial Bonds (R$ 9 million) and Monetary and Foreign Exchange Updates (R$ 2 million);

The increase in financial revenues was partially offset by the following factors:

(i) Reduction of R$ 6 million in financial revenues stemming from the remuneration of regulatory assets, due mainly to the consummation of the Extraordinary Tariff Re-composition (RTE) and Parcel “A”;

(ii) Reduction of R$ 6 million in other financial revenues.

• Financial Expenses: a reduction of 2.7% (R$ 6 million), falling from R$ 233 million in 2Q07 to R$ 226 million in 2Q08, mainly due to:

(i) Hedge operations carried out during the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil (R$ 23 million) – non-recurring events that caused an increase in financial expenses in 2Q07;

(ii) Reduction in Banking Expenses (R$ 22 million), mainly due to the discontinuity of CPMF charges.

The reduction in financial expenses was partially offset by the increase in the financial expenses from the issuance of debentures, in the amount of R$ 450 million, for the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil, and from the increase in CPFL Geração debt portfolio (investments in the Ceran Complex and the Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric Facility).

2.6) Net Income

Net income, in 2Q08, was R$ 329 million, a reduction of 11.1% (R$ 41 million) with net income per share standing at R$ 0.68.

In 1H08, net income was R$ 602 million, representing a reduction of 28.6% (R$ 241 million) with net income per share at R$ 1.25.

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CPFL Energia debt reached R$ 6,228 million in 2Q08, an increase of 10.5% . The financial debt increased in absolute terms, and its average cost rose from 11.7% p.a., in 2Q07, to 12.8% p.a., in 2Q08, due to the elevation of the IGP-M/IGP-DI (from 0.5% to 4.6%, over the period) but partially offset by the fall in interest rates (from 12.6% p.a. to 11.4% p.a.), and the TJLP (from 6.50% p.a. to 6.25% p.a.), accrued over the period.

The main contributing factors to the variation in the balance of financial debt were:

(i) Issue of debentures by CPFL Energia, in the amount of R$ 450 million, for the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil;

(ii) Issue of debentures by RGE, in the amount of R$ 380 million;

(iii) Issue of promissory notes by CPFL Piratininga, in the amount of R$ 100 million;

(iv) Funding (BNDES and other financial institutions), net of amortizations, obtained by Foz do Chapecó, totalizing R$ 207 million;

(v) Amortizations (BNDES and other financial institutions), net of funding, carried out by CPFL Energia, CPFL Paulista, CPFL Piratininga, RGE, CPFL Brasil, CPFL Geração and generation projects (except for Foz do Chapecó, mentioned in the prior item), totalizing R$ 357 million;

(vi) Principal amortization of debentures’ issues of CPFL Geração and Baesa (R$ 148 million).

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As a consequence of funding operations and amortizations carried out, a shift in the financial debt profile can be observed, demonstrated by the increase in the volume of debt linked to CDI (from 48.1% to 51.4%), and by the reduction in the volume of debt linked to IGP-M/IGP-DI (from 18.4% to 15.3%) .

Financial Debt - 2Q08 (R$ Thousands)
  Charges    Principal    Total 
  Short Term    Long Term    Short Term    Long Term    Short Term    Long Term    Total 
Local Currency                           
BNDES - Repowering  131      9,949    25,797    10,080    25,797    35,877 
BNDES - Investment  5,496    10,726    231,145    1,721,565    236,641    1,732,291    1,968,932 
BNDES - Regulatory Asset      1,330      1,336      1,336 
BNDES - Income Assets  16      48    822    64    822    886 
Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A.      91,119    83,526    91,119    83,526    174,645 
Financial Institutions  5,800      108,472    175,149    114,272    175,149    289,421 
Others  495      30,127    41,201    30,622    41,201    71,823 
Subtotal  11,944    10,726    472,190    2,048,060    484,134    2,058,786    2,542,920 
Foreign Currency                           
IDB  432      2,882    51,934    3,314    51,934    55,248 
Financial Institutions  1,218    15,552    44,387    898,040    45,605    913,592    959,197 
Subtotal  1,650    15,552    47,269    949,974    48,919    965,526    1,014,445 
CPFL Energia  16,678        450,000    16,678    450,000    466,678 
CPFL Paulista  28,995        925,475    28,995    925,475    954,470 
CPFL Piratininga  22,247        400,000    22,247    400,000    422,247 
RGE  20,058      204,912    406,200    224,970    406,200    631,170 
SEMESA  1,175      157,946      159,121      159,121 
BAESA  1,837      3,164    32,272    5,001    32,272    37,273 
Subtotal  90,990    -    366,022    2,213,947    457,012    2,213,947    2,670,959 
Total  104,584    26,278    885,481    5,211,981    990,065    5,238,259    6,228,324 
Percentage on Total Financial Debt (%)         15.9%    84.1%    100% 

With regard to financial debt, it should be noted that R$ 5,238 million (84.1% of the total) is considered long-term and R$ 990 million (15.9% of the total) is considered short-term.

R$ Thousands  2Q08  2Q07  Var. 
Total Debt (1) (6,623,681) (2) (6,562,331) 0.9% 
(+)Regulatory Asset/(Liability) 355,060  817,606  -56.6% 
(+)Available Funds  869,611  828,589  5.0% 
(=)Adjusted Net Debt  (5,399,010) (4,916,136) 9.8% 
Notes: (1) Financial Debt + Derivatives + Private Pension Plan (Fundação CESP); 
           (2) Total Debt in 2Q08 net of judicial deposit, in the amount of R$ 392 million. 

In 2Q08, adjusted net debt, after the exclusion of the regulatory assets/(liabilities) and cash equivalents, reached R$ 5,399 million, an upturn of 9.8% (R$ 483 million).

The Company closed 2Q08 with a Net Debt / EBITDA ratio of 1.8x.

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In 2Q08, R$ 254 million was invested in the maintenance and expansion of business, of which R$ 139 million was channeled to distribution, R$ 112 million to generation, R$ 2 million to commercialization, and R$ 1 million to other investments.

Listed below are some of the main investments made by CPFL Energia in each segment:

(i) Distribution: investments were made in the expansion and strengthening of the electric system, to keep pace with market growth, both in power sales and number of customers. Investments were also made in improvements in electric system maintenance, operational infrastructure, upgrading of operational administration support systems, customer help services and research and development programs, among others;

(ii) Generation: investments were earmarked principally for ongoing construction projects – 14 de Julho Hydroelectric Facility (Ceran Complex) and Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric Facility.

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Consolidated Cash Flow (R$ Thousands)
    2Q08    Last 12M 
Beginning Balance   783,899    700,385 
   Net Income    328,509    1,402,637 
   Depreciation and Amortization    140,553    563,604 
   Interest/Monetary and Foreign Exchange Variations    (173,494)   (157,765)
   Derivative Instruments    178,620    24,621 
   Consumers, Concessionaries and Licensees    143,961    236,048 
   Cash Investments    244,505    9,360 
   Deferment of Tariff Costs    30,187    156,560 
   Judicial Deposits    (13,220)   (401,837)
   Other Adjustments    (103,764)   80,849 
    447,348    511,440 
Investment Activities         
   Acquisition of Property, Plant and Equipment    (253,855)   (1,066,676)
   Others    108,426    65,318 
    (145,429)   (1,001,358)
Financing Activities         
   Loans, Financing and Debentures    532,583    3,014,555 
   Principal Amortization of Loans, Financing and Debentures    (475,349)   (2,396,351)
   Dividends Paid    (720,793)   (1,563,409)
   Others      82,868 
    (663,560)   (862,337)
Cash Flow Generation    (33,132)   50,382 
Ending Balance - 06/30/2008    750,767    750,767 

The cash flow balance at 2Q08 closing was R$ 751 million, representing a reduction of 4.2% (R$ 33 million) in relation to the starting balance. We highlight the following factors that contributed to this fluctuation in cash flow:

(i) Cash increase:

• Cash generated by operational activities in the amount of R$ 776 million;

• Funds raised by loans, financing and debentures, which surpassed amortizations by R$ 57 million.

(ii) Cash decrease:

• Acquisition of fixed assets, in the amount of R$ 254 million (previously shown in item 4, “Investments”);

• Dividend payments related to 2H07, in the amount of R$ 721 million.

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CPFL has announced an intermediate dividend distribution, for 1H08, in the amount of R$ 602 million, equivalent to R$ 1.253516809 per share. The proposed amount corresponds to 100% of net income for the period.

CPFL Energia's Dividend Yield
    2H06    1H07    2H07    1H08 
Dividend Yield - last 12 months (1)   9.6%    10.9%    9.7%    7.6% 
Note: (1) Based on the average share price over the period. 

The 1H08 dividend yield, calculated from the average price of the period (R$ 36.11) is 7.6% (last 12 months).

The declared sums comply with the CPFL Energia “dividend policy”, which establishes that earnings distribution – in the form of dividends and/or interest on own capital (JCP) – should be at least 50% of half-yearly adjusted net income.

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7.1) Shares Performance

CPFL Energia, currently running a free float of 27.6%, trades shares in Brazil (Bovespa), on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

In 1H08, CPFL Energia shares appreciated 12.2% on Bovespa and 25.6% on NYSE, closing the period priced at R$ 36.30 per share and US$ 68.36 per ADR, respectively.

The average daily trading volume in 1H08 was R$ 37.5 million, of which R$ 17.1 million was on Bovespa and R$ 20.4 million was on NYSE, representing an increase of 15.1% . The number of trades made on Bovespa increased 1.6%, rising from a daily average of 738 in 2007 to 750 in 1H08.

Note: Considers the sum of the average daily volume on Bovespa and NYSE.

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7.2) Ratings

On June 16, 2008, Standard & Poor’s Rating Services raised the corporate credit rating of the companies CPFL Energia, CPFL Paulista, CPFL Piratininga and RGE by two notches, from brAA- to brAA+.

Fitch reaffirmed the rating AA(bra) of CPFL Energia and CPFL Paulista, elevating their perspective from stable to positive.

The table below shows the evolution of CPFL Energia’s corporate ratings:

Ratings of CPFL Energia - National Scale
Agency        2008    2007    2006    2005 
Standard & Poor's    Rating    brAA+    brAA-    brA+    brA 
    Outlook    Stable    Stable    Positive    Positive 
Fitch Ratings    Rating    AA (bra)   AA (bra)   A+ (bra)   A- (bra)
    Outlook    Positive    Stable    Stable    Stable 
Note: Considers position at closing. 


CPFL Energia simultaneously trade shares on the most elevated levels of corporate governance of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which are: Novo Mercado and ADR’s Level III.

The Company is also part of the select group of companies that comprise the following Bovespa indexes: the Corporate Governance Index — IGC, the Index of Tag-Along Differentiated Shares — ITAG and the Index of Corporate Sustainability – ISE.

The company also participates in the Companies Circle, a group made up of fourteen Latin American companies recognized for their adoption of differentiated corporate governance practices. The group was constituted through the initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), with the aim of promoting and encouraging the betterment of good corporate governance practices in Latin America.

Rating AA+ of Corporate Governance

CPFL Energia has obtained the corporate governance rating AA+ conferred by Austing Rating, a credit risk classification agency. This is the best classification attributed to a Brazilian company since 2006, when the evaluation started to be applied in the country. The highest possible rating of AAA has yet to be applied in Brazil.

The Best Corporate Governance Company in Latin America

When it comes to corporate governance, CPFL Energia was voted the best company in Latin America by the LatinFinance Magazine together with the consultancy Management & Excellence.

On a scale from 0% to 100%, CPFL complied with 92.68% of the good practice requisites analyzed in the study, obtaining the highest score. Fifty of the highest market value, non-financial companies participated in the evaluation.

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Corporate Governance Model

The corporate governance model implemented in September 2006 represented an evolution in practices adopted by the company, with the objective of keeping pace with its current context, focusing on the identification of new opportunities, on the maintenance of sector leadership and on the rationalization of management processes.

In this model, the structure of governance was simplified. It was established that the Board of Directors would act as the central forum of strategic decision-making, with the support of three Advisory Committees (People Management, Management Processes and Related Parties). These committees act on decisions requiring in-depth analysis, in conjunction with the Board of Executive Officers.

The Board of Directors comprises seven members, of which six are nominated by the controlling block shareholders and one is an independent advisor. All were elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on April 9, 2008, with a unified mandate of one year.

Composition of the Board of Directors – Term 2008/2009:

The workings, the competencies and the composition of the permanent advisory committees to the Board of Directors are defined by company statute. The Board can still appoint temporary ad hoc commissions to conduct relevant matters or specific topics, which are outside the competency of the committees, such as: fine-tuning corporate governance practices, new businesses and generation projects, financial policies and the commercialization of energy derived from alternative and competitive sources, as well as the Pluriannual (multiannual) plan and the Annual Budget.

The People Management Committee is active in the definition of targets and in the assessment of the Board of Executive Officers including overview of HR policies and the Succession Plan. The Committee of Management Processes accompanies the Annual Internal Auditing Plan and monitors corporate risks and soundness of management information. The Committee of Related Parties pre-analyzes all transactions involving parties related to controlling block shareholders, in order to verify compliance with usual market conditions.

The activities of the Committees and Commissions are carried out within the sphere of the holding company’s strategies, together with the controlled and associated companies.

The Fiscal Board operates full-time and carries out the attributes of the Audit Committee, in accordance with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules, which apply to foreign companies listed on the United States stock exchange. Two advisors were nominated as Financial Experts, as prescribed in Sarbanes-Oxley Act rulings.

The CPFL Energia Board of Executive Officers comprise seven officers, one of which is the Chief Executive Officer and the other six are Vice Presidents (Distribution, Generation, Energy Management, Financial and Investor Relations, Strategy and Regulation and finally Administration).

The vice presidents are responsible, in their respective operational areas, for the conducting of the controlled companies businesses, in a way that ensures that the governance guidelines are aligned with the holding company, thus providing an integrated and optimized structure. The Chief Executive Officer of CPFL Energia is the main executive and President of the Board of Directors of the controlled companies.

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CPFL Energia is a holding company with stock participations in other companies, and its results depend directly on the results of the controlled companies.

Note: (1) Includes 0.2% of others.

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10.1) Distribution Segment

10.1.1) Economic-Financial Performance

Consolidated Income Statement - Distribution (R$ Thousands)
    2Q08     2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Gross Operating Revenues    3,063,119    3,133,405    -2.2%    6,382,138    6,244,683    2.2% 
Net Operating Revenues    1,991,864    1,992,381    0.0%    4,170,454    3,952,464    5.5% 
Cost of Electric Power    (1,259,805)   (1,165,169)   8.1%    (2,719,215)   (2,285,299)   19.0% 
Operating Costs & Expenses    (310,566)   (297,994)   4.2%    (607,395)   (567,048)   7.1% 
EBIT    421,493    529,218    -20.4%    843,844    1,100,117    -23.3% 
EBITDA    482,667    596,249    -19.0%    964,912    1,231,585    -21.7% 
Financial Income (Expense)   (102,766)   (83,011)   23.8%    (127,098)   (121,871)   4.3% 
Operating Income    318,727    446,207    -28.6%    716,746    978,246    -26.7% 
Income Before Taxes    319,990    442,545    -27.7%    712,557    970,262    -26.6% 
NET INCOME    276,087    328,420    -15.9%    535,074    676,615    -20.9% 

(1) Financial information on CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007.
(2) The economic-financial performance tables by distributor are attached to this report in item 11.2.

Operating Revenue

Gross operating revenue in 2Q08 reached R$ 3,063 million, representing a reduction of 2.2% (R$ 70 million). Net operating revenue was R$ 1,992 million, the same amount as registered in 2Q07.

The reduction in operating revenue was caused by distributors’ tariff revision:

Partially offset by:

In 1H08, gross operating revenue was R$ 6,382 million, an increase of 2.2% (R$ 138 million). Net operating revenue was R$ 4,170 million, equivalent to growth of 5.5% (R$ 218 million).

Cost of Electric Power

The cost of electric power comprising the cost of power for resale and the charges for the use of the transmission and distribution system totaled R$ 1,260 million in 2Q08, representing an increase of 8.1% (R$ 95 million):

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• The cost of electric power purchased for resale in 2Q08 was R$ 1,069 million, which represents an increase of 7.1% (R$ 71 million). The main explanatory factors for this variation are:

(i) Increase of 1.6% (R$ 17 million) in the cost of energy purchased on both the free and regulated markets;

(ii) Increase resulting from the amortization of the 2001 Parcel A, regarding purchased energy and charges (R$ 46 million). The amortization of Parcel A affected the revenues, the deductions from operating revenues and the expenses, without affecting the net income.

The increase in the cost of energy purchased for resale was partially offset by PIS and COFINS tax credits, generated by the purchase of energy (R$ 11 million).

• Charges for the use of the transmission and distribution system were R$ 191 million in 2Q08, an increase of 14.4% (R$ 24 million).

Operating Costs and Expenses

Costs and operating expenses were R$ 311 million in 2Q08, registering an increase of 4.2% (R$ 13 million), due to the following factors:

• The item PMSO registered an increase of 10.3% (R$ 23 million).

The main contributing factors for this variation are the following:

(i) Spending on personnel which registered an increase of 22.3% (R$ 22 million), due mainly to the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil (R$ 5 million) and the increases at CPFL Paulista (R$ 11 million) and CPFL Piratininga (R$ 4 million), resulting from the 2007 collective agreement pay increases together with the profit sharing complement referring to the same year, paid in April 2008;

(ii) Spending on outsourced services, which registered an increase of 13.0% (R$ 8 million), due to, among other factors, the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil (R$ 4 million).

The increase in PMSO was partially offset by the reduction of 15.7% (R$ 9 million) in other costs and operating expenses, due to the contingency provisions made in the previous year, especially those related to the Civil Actions and Tariff Hike at CPFL Piratininga (R$ 6 million), and the Civil and Labor Actions at RGE (R$ 3 million).

Note: PMSO considers Personnel, Materials, Outsourced Services and Others.

The increase in operating costs and expenses was partially offset by:

• The item Private Pension Fund which represented revenue of R$ 12 million in 2Q07, and now in 2Q08, represents revenue of R$ 21 million, due to the impact from the expected real earnings of the plan’s assets, as defined by the Actuary Report of December 2007.


Based on the factors described herein, EBITDA in 2Q08, was R$ 483 million, registering a reduction of 19.0% (R$ 114 million).

In 1H08, EBITDA was R$ 965 million, a reduction of 21.7% (R$ 267 million).

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Financial Result

In 2Q08, the financial result, or the net financial expenses, was R$ 103 million, an increase of 23.8% (R$ 20 million) compared to the R$ 83 million registered in 2Q07, due mainly to the greater provisioning for interest on own capital (R$ 29 million).

The increase in net financial expenses was partially offset by the increase of 12.2% (R$ 8 million) in financial revenues, which rose from R$ 68 million in 2Q07 to R$ 76 million in 2Q08, due mainly to the variation in the item Update of Judicial Bonds (R$ 9 million).

Net Income

Net Income in 2Q08 was R$ 276 million, representing a reduction of 15.9% (R$ 52 million). In 1H08, net income was R$ 535 million, a reduction of 20.9% (R$ 142 million).

10.1.2) Tariff Revisions

The objective of the tariff revision is to reassess the economic-financial equilibrium of the concession and to pass onto the consumers the concessionaire’s productivity gains. Projected data over the subsequent 12 months are utilized and each item of controllable costs is verified, as well as the regulatory margin and the reintegration quota are defined, establishing criteria and limits for the definition of efficient costing, using as a parameter a reference company defined by the regulatory authority (Aneel).

The following table demonstrates the periodicity and the date of the next tariff revision for each CPFL group distributor:

Tariff Revisions
Distribution Company    Period    Date of Next Tariff Revision 
CPFL Piratininga    Each 4 years    October 2011 
CPFL Santa Cruz    Each 4 years    February 2012 
CPFL Jaguariúna         
   CPFL Leste Paulista    Each 4 years    February 2012 
   CPFL Jaguari    Each 4 years    February 2012 
   CPFL Sul Paulista    Each 4 years    February 2012 
   CPFL Mococa    Each 4 years    February 2012 
CPFL Paulista    Each 5 years    April 2013 
RGE    Each 5 years    April 2013 

Second Periodic Tariff Revision CPFL Piratininga

On October 22, 2007, through Homologated Resolution No. 553, Aneel established a provisional result for the second periodic tariff revision for CPFL Piratininga, to take effect from October 23, 2007.

In this second cycle of tariff revisions, the CPFL Piratininga electric power tariffs were readjusted by -10.11%, of which -10.94% referred to tariff repositioning and +0.83% referred to financial components outside the scope of the periodic tariff revision.

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The preliminary value of Factor Xe established by Aneel was 0.73%, to be applied as a reduction factor in Parcel B in real terms, on the next tariff readjustments. CPFL Santa Cruz and CPFL Jaguariúna Distributors

On January 29, 2008, Aneel established the provisional result of the second periodic tariff revision of five distributors of the CPFL Group, to take effect from February 3, 2008. The distributors that had their revisions announced on this date were: CPFL Santa Cruz and the four CPFL Jaguariúna distributors, namely: Companhia Paulista de Energia Elétrica (CPFL Leste Paulista), Companhia Jaguari de Energia (CPFL Jaguari), Companhia Sul Paulista de Energia (CPFL Sul Paulista) and Companhia Luz e Força Mococa (CPFL Mococa).

CPFL Santa Cruz

In this second cycle of tariff revisions, the electric power tariff revisions of CPFL Santa Cruz were readjusted by -7.13%, of which -9.73% referred to tariff repositioning and +2.60% referred to financial components outside the periodic tariff revision.

The value of factor Xe, established by Aneel was 0.22%, to be applied as a reduction factor in Parcel B in real terms, on the next tariff readjustments.

CPFL Leste Paulista

The electric power tariffs of CPFL Leste Paulista were readjusted by -1.65%, of which -2.69% referred to tariff repositioning and +1.04% referred to financial components outside the periodic tariff revision.

The value of factor Xe, established by Aneel was 1.07%, to be applied as a reduction factor in Parcel B, in real terms, on the next tariff readjustments.

CPFL Jaguari

The electric power tariffs of CPFL Jaguari were readjusted by -1.58%, of which -0.35% referred to tariff repositioning and -1.23% referred to financial components outside the periodic tariff revision.

The value of factor Xe, established by Aneel was 2.10%, to be applied as a reduction factor in Parcel B, in real terms, on the next tariff readjustments.

CPFL Sul Paulista

The electric power tariffs of CPFL Sul Paulista were readjusted by -3.57%, of which -2.98% referred to tariff repositioning and -0.58% referred to financial components outside the periodic tariff revision.

The value of factor Xe, established by Aneel was 1.31%, to be applied as a reduction factor in Parcel B, in real terms, on the next tariff readjustments.


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CPFL Mococa

The electric power tariffs of CPFL Mococa were readjusted by -5.65%, of which -8.40% referred to tariff repositioning and +2.75% referred to financial components outside the periodic tariff revision. The value of factor Xe, established by Aneel was 0.24%, to be applied as a reduction factor in Parcel B, in real terms, on the next tariff readjustments. CPFL Paulista

On April 7th 2008, through Homologated Resolution No. 627, Aneel established the provisional result of the second periodic tariff revision for CPFL Paulista, to take effect as of April 8th 2008.

In this second cycle of tariff revisions, the electric power tariffs of CPFL Paulista were readjusted by -13.61%, of which -13.69% referred to tariff repositioning and +0.07% referred to financial components outside the periodic tariff revision.

The preliminary value of factor Xe, established by Aneel was 0.83%, to be applied as a reduction factor in Parcel B in real terms, on the next tariff readjustments. RGE

On April 17th 2008, through Homologated Resolution No. 636, Aneel established the provisional result of the second periodic tariff revision for RGE, to take effect as of April 19th 2008.

In this second cycle of tariff revisions, the electric power tariffs of RGE were readjusted by +4.77%, of which -5.37% referred to tariff repositioning and +10.15% referred to financial components outside the periodic tariff revision.

The preliminary value of factor Xe, established by Aneel was 0.66%, to be applied as a reduction factor in Parcel B in real terms, on the next tariff readjustments.

The items that make up the readjustments authorized by Aneel are shown, for each distributor, in the table below:

Date of the Second Tariff Review    Oct/07    Feb/08    Feb/08    Feb/08    Feb/08    Feb/08    Apr/08    Apr/08 
            CPFL Jaguariúna         
Amounts by Company (R$ Million)   CPFL    CPFL Santa    CPFL Leste    CPFL    CPFL Sul    CPFL     CPFL     
    Piratininga    Cruz    Paulista    Jaguari    Paulista    Mococa    Paulista     RGE 
Verified Revenue    2,136.9    213.3    77.1    88.0    92.4    54.1    5,175.5    1,950.5 
Parcel A    1,423.9    124.3    42.9    68.6    58.7    31.0    3,314.1    1,324.7 
Parcel B                                 
Reference Company    244.2    42.6    16.6    11.8    19.6    13.4    542.4    241.7 
Delinquency    12.6    1.5    0.2    0.2    0.2    0.1    34.6    14.5 
Gross Remuneration Base    154.5    14.9    11.7    4.9    7.7    3.7    351.3    179.7 
Depreciation    81.1    10.6    4.3    2.5    4.2    1.8    252.1    97.1 
Total Parcel B    492.5    69.5    32.8    19.4    31.8    19.0    1,180.4    533.1 
Required Revenue (Parcels A + B)   1,916.4    193.8    75.6    88.0    90.5    50.0    4,494.5    1,857.8 
(-) Other Revenues    (13.2)   (1.3)   (0.6)   (0.3)   (0.9)   (0.4)   (27.3)   (12.2)
Net Required Revenue    1,903.2    192.5    75.1    87.7    89.6    49.6    4,467.3    1,845.6 
Financial Components    15.8    5.0    0.8    (1.1)   (0.5)   1.4    3.3    187.3 
Periodic Tariff Revision    -10.94%    -9.73%    -2.69%    -0.35%    -2.98%    -8.40%    -13.69%    -5.37% 
Financial Components    0.83%    2.60%    1.04%    -1.23%    -0.58%    2.75%    0.07%    10.15% 
Periodic Tariff Revision - with Financial Components    -10.11%    -7.13%    -1.65%    -1.58%    -3.57%    -5.65%    -13.61%    4.77% 
Xe Factor    0.73%    0.22%    1.07%    2.10%    1.31%    0.24%    0.83%    0.66% 

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10.2) Commercialization Segment

Consolidated Income Statement - Commercialization (R$ Thousands)
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Gross Operating Revenues    486,365    460,627    5.6%    938,109    909,061    3.2% 
Net Operating Revenues    414,293    396,351    4.5%    795,918    783,074    1.6% 
EBITDA    76,136    80,275    -5.2%    118,874    193,463    -38.6% 
NET INCOME    54,176    54,838    -1.2%    83,250    130,673    -36.3% 
 Note: Financial information on CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007. 

Operating Revenue

In 2Q08, gross operating revenue reached R$ 486 million, representing an increase of 5.6% (R$ 26 million). Net operating revenue was R$ 414 million, equivalent to an increase of 4.5% (R$ 18 million), due mainly to the acquisition of CMS Energy Brasil (R$ 17 million).

The added value service revenue (SVA), rendered by the companies CPFL Brasil and CPFL Serviços (company controlled by CPFL Jaguariúna), presented growth of 183%, rising from R$ 6 million in 2Q07 (CPFL Brasil) to R$ 17 million in 2Q08 (of which R$ 9 million was from CPFL Brasil and R$ 8 million was from CPFL Serviços).

In 1H08, gross operating revenue reached R$ 938 million, representing an increase of 3.2% (R$ 29 million). Net operating revenue was R$ 796 million, equivalent to growth of 1.6% (R$ 13 million).


In 2Q08, EBITDA was R$ 76 million, down 5.2% (R$ 4 million).

In 1H08, EBITDA was R$ 119 million, down 38.6% (R$ 75 million).

Net Income

In 2Q08, net income was R$ 54 million, a reduction of 1.2% (approximately R$ 1 million).

In 1H08, net income was R$ 83 million, a reduction of 36.3% (R$ 47 million).

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10.3) Generation Segment

Consolidated Income Statement - Generation (R$ Thousands)
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Gross Operating Revenues    216,433    180,250    20.1%    411,883    337,306    22.1% 
Net Operating Revenues    201,810    166,517    21.2%    384,942    313,346    22.8% 
Cost of Electric Power    (8,096)   (9,175)   -11.8%     (40,194)    (14,222)   182.6% 
Operating Costs & Expenses    (45,019)   (36,377)   23.8%    (87,270)   (69,070)   26.4% 
EBIT    148,695    120,965    22.9%    257,478    230,054    11.9% 
EBITDA    166,397    140,459    18.5%    293,569    264,983    10.8% 
Financial Income (Expense)   (83,873)   (75,795)   10.7%    (127,325)   (110,671)   15.0% 
Operating Income    64,822    45,170    43.5%    130,153    119,383    9.0% 
Income Before Taxes    63,955    45,170    41.6%    129,286    119,003    8.6% 
NET INCOME    77,156    69,868    10.4%    118,320    158,568    -25.4% 
 Note: Financial information on CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007. 

Operating Revenue

Gross operating revenue in 2Q08 was R$ 216 million, representing growth of 20.1% (R$ 36 million).

Net operating revenue was R$ 202 million, representing growth of 21.2% (R$ 35 million), due mainly to the following factors:

(i) Start of operations of the Castro Alves Hydroelectric Facility (Ceran Complex), in March 2008, contributing with revenue gains of R$ 11 million;

(ii) Participation in Paulista Lajeado, acquired among the assets of CMS Energy Brasil (R$ 9 million);

(iii) Recognition of the agreement among Baesa shareholders (R$ 7 million);

(iv) Supplies by Furnas resulting from the 7.75% tariff updates in January (R$ 6 million);

(v) The transfer to CPFL Geração, in May 2008, of the energy contract produced by Baesa and commercialized by CPFL Paulista (R$ 2 million).

In 1H08, gross operating revenue was R$ 412 million, representing growth of 22.1% (R$ 75 million). Net operating revenue was R$ 385 million, equivalent to growth of 22.8% (R$ 72 million).

Cost of Electric Power

The cost of electric power service in 2Q08 was R$ 8 million, representing a reduction of 11.8% (R$ 1 million).

Operating Costs and Expenses

Operating costs and expenses in 2Q08 reached R$ 45 million, representing an increase of 23.8% (R$ 9 million). The main factors contributing to this variation are:

(i) Increase of 141.7% (R$ 6 million) in spending on other operating costs/expenses, mostly resulting from the participation in Paulista Lajeado, acquired together with the assets of CMS Energy Brasil;

(ii) Start of operations of the Castro Alves Hydroelectric Facility (Ceran Complex), in March 2008, contributing to an increase in costs of R$ 3 million.

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Based on the factors described, EBITDA, in 2Q08, was R$ 166 million, an increase of 18.5% (R$ 26 million).

In 1H08, EBITDA was R$ 294 million, an increase of 10.8% (R$ 29 million).

Financial Result

In 2Q08, the financial result, or the net financial expense was R$ 84 million, representing an increase of 10.7% (R$ 8 million) against the R$ 76 million registered in 2Q07. The main explanatory factors for this variation are:

(i) Financial Revenues: an increase of 13.4% (R$ 1 million), rising from R$ 4 million in 2Q07 to R$ 5 million in 2Q08, due mainly to increased earnings from financial investments;

(ii) Financial Expenses: an increase of 22.0% (R$ 10 million), rising from R$ 43 million in 2Q07 to R$ 53 million in 2Q08, due mainly to the following factors:

• Monetary and Foreign Exchange Updates item, which represented revenue of R$ 10 million in 2Q07, but in 2Q08 has turned into an expense of R$ 16 million, resulting in an expense increase of R$ 26 million, owing to the variation of the IGP-M which pegs the most important part of CPFL Geração’s debt, offset by the positive effect generated by the variation of the dollar to which the Enercan debt is pegged;

The increase in the Monetary and Foreign Exchange Updates item was partially offset by:

• Cost of Debt item, which registered a reduction of 24.2% (R$ 11 million);

• Banking Expenses item, which registered a reduction of R$ 3 million.

(iii) Interest on Own Capital: a reduction of 2.7% (R$ 1 million), falling from R$ 36 million in 2Q07 to R$ 35 million in 2Q08.

Net Income

In 2Q08, net income was R$ 77 million, an increase of 10.4% (R$ 7 million).

In 1H08, net income was R$ 118 million, a reduction of 25.4% (R$ 40 million), due to the acknowledgement in 1Q07 of the fiscal credit referring to the merger of Semesa into CPFL Geração, in the amount of R$ 40 million.

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Status of Generation Projects

14 de Julho Hydroelectric Facility (Ceran Complex)

The 14 de Julho Hydroelectric Facility is at the final stage of construction (95% of works completed: 97% of civil works and 100% of electro-mechanical equipment). The start of commercial operations is forecast for 4Q08. CPFL’s participation in the project is 65%, representing installed capacity and assured power of 65.0 MW and 32.5 median MW, respectively.

Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric Facility

The Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric Facility is still in the construction phase (41% of works completed: 43% of civil works and 35% of electro-mechanical equipment). The start of commercial operations is forecast for 3Q10. CPFL’s participation in the project is 51%, which represents installed capacity and assured power of 436.1 MW and 220.3 median MW, respectively. Energy from the Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric Facility is 100% contracted:

CPFL’s participation:

• 172.8 median MW already contracted with the CPFL Group at a price close to 100% of the Standard Value;

• 47.5 median MW (11% acquired in August 2006) traded on the Aneel auction on October 16th 2007, at the price of R$ 131.49/MWh.

Participation of other shareholders:

• 211.7 median MW sold on the Aneel auction on October 16th 2007, at the price of R$ 131.49/MWh.

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11.1) Sales to the Captive Market by Distributors (in GWh)

CPFL Paulista
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Residential    1,597    1,511    5.7%    3,200    3,039    5.3% 
Industrial    1,400    1,387    0.9%    2,735    2,728    0.3% 
Commercial    943    946    -0.3%    1,949    1,907    2.2% 
Rural    182    256    -28.8%    388    461    -15.9% 
Others    598    605    -1.0%    1,193    1,173    1.7% 
Total    4,721    4,705    0.3%    9,465    9,308    1.7% 
CPFL Piratininga
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Residential    694    654    6.0%    1,420    1,347    5.4% 
Industrial    747    766    -2.5%    1,462    1,473    -0.7% 
Commercial    396    391    1.3%    816    800    1.9% 
Rural    40    46    -13.0%    84    90    -6.0% 
Others    178    179    -0.7%    354    351    0.9% 
Total    2,055    2,037    0.9%    4,136    4,061    1.9% 
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Residential    418    405    3.1%    834    809    3.1% 
Industrial    650    637    2.0%    1,264    1,240    1.9% 
Commercial    251    238    5.3%    508    482    5.5% 
Rural    265    243    8.9%    553    502    10.2% 
Others    233    220    6.1%    469    442    6.0% 
Total    1,817    1,743    4.2%    3,628    3,474    4.4% 
CPFL Santa Cruz
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Residential    65    64    2.0%    133    127    4.4% 
Industrial    38    32    16.8%    72    63    13.8% 
Commercial    31    31    0.5%    64    63    1.3% 
Rural    35    42    -17.5%    70    80    -12.7% 
Others    32    32    -0.4%    63    62    1.7% 
Total    201    202    -0.3%    402    396    1.5% 
CPFL Santa Cruz
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Residential    74    72    2.3%    148    144    3.1% 
Industrial    134    129    4.2%    271    258    5.1% 
Commercial    32    31    3.7%    65    63    4.1% 
Rural    57    60    -5.2%    112    111    1.3% 
Others    31    30    1.3%    62    60    2.8% 
Total    327    322    1.7%    658    635    3.7% 
Note: Sales volume on the company CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated and consolidated by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007. 

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11.2) Economic-Financial Performance by Distributors

(Pro-forma, R$ thousands)

Income Statement Summary by Distribution Company (R$ Thousands)
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Gross Operating Revenues    1,556,628    1,652,589    -5.8%    3,352,683    3,275,167    2.4% 
Net Operating Revenues    997,817    1,057,204    -5.6%    2,164,831    2,086,199    3.8% 
Cost of Electric Power    (641,153)   (604,108)   6.1%    (1,400,227)   (1,153,263)   21.4% 
Operating Costs & Expenses    (153,131)   (149,712)   2.3%    (295,466)   (289,746)   2.0% 
EBIT    203,533    303,384    -32.9%    469,138    643,190    -27.1% 
EBITDA    223,183    333,816    -33.1%    514,688    705,066    -27.0% 
Financial Income (Expense)   (30,584)              (50,776)   -39.8%    (35,896)   (67,628)   -46.9% 
Operating Income    172,949    252,608    -31.5%    433,242    575,562    -24.7% 
Income Before Taxes    172,665    251,979    -31.5%    434,245    575,996    -24.6% 
NET INCOME    127,909    193,431    -33.9%    299,971    406,848    -26.3% 
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Gross Operating Revenues    705,600    791,901    -10.9%    1,429,021    1,600,129    -10.7% 
Net Operating Revenues    461,314    478,651    -3.6%    942,156    973,413    -3.2% 
Cost of Electric Power    (304,075)   (287,573)   5.7%    (669,918)   (582,589)   15.0% 
Operating Costs & Expenses    (65,292)              (68,351)   -4.5%    (124,891)   (124,957)   -0.1% 
EBIT    91,947    122,727    -25.1%    147,347    265,867    -44.6% 
EBITDA    105,974    135,072    -21.5%    170,814    289,964    -41.1% 
Financial Income (Expense)   (14,177)              (18,036)   -21.4%    (18,919)   (25,624)   -26.2% 
Operating Income    77,770    104,691    -25.7%    128,428    240,243    -46.5% 
Income Before Taxes    81,327    103,784    -21.6%    131,094    238,659    -45.1% 
NET INCOME    61,201    75,475    -18.9%    93,983    164,487    -42.9% 
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Gross Operating Revenues    635,467    621,757    2.2%    1,275,042    1,236,813    3.1% 
Net Operating Revenues    417,205    410,266    1.7%    840,385    802,021    4.8% 
Cost of Electric Power    (254,888)   (249,118)   2.3%    (529,626)   (499,917)   5.9% 
Operating Costs & Expenses    (69,762)              (68,753)   1.5%    (135,839)   (130,816)   3.8% 
EBIT    92,555    92,395    0.2%    174,920    171,288    2.1% 
EBITDA    115,478    114,368    1.0%    217,697    212,371    2.5% 
Financial Income (Expense)   (56,200)              (16,365)   243.4%    (72,065)   (31,422)   129.3% 
Operating Income    36,355    76,030    -52.2%    102,855    139,866    -26.5% 
Income Before Taxes    34,345    73,985    -53.6%    95,092    133,328    -28.7% 
NET INCOME    62,525    48,852    28.0%    102,525    87,770    16.8% 

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Income Statement Summary by Distribution Company (R$ Thousands)(1)
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Gross Operating Revenues    68,187    68,054    0.2%    133,802    134,638    -0.6% 
Net Operating Revenues    51,192    47,073    8.8%    97,477    92,704    5.1% 
Cost of Electric Power    (24,407)   (24,370)   0.2%    (50,544)   (49,530)   2.0% 
Operating Costs & Expenses    (10,707)   (11,991)   -10.7%    (25,476)   (23,402)   8.9% 
EBIT    16,078    10,712    50.1%    21,457    19,772    8.5% 
EBITDA    18,138    12,993    39.6%    25,716    24,184    6.3% 
Financial Income (Expense)   (2,915)   2,166    -234.6%    (1,638)   2,803    -158.4% 
Operating Income    13,163    12,878    2.2%    19,819    22,575    -12.2% 
Income Before Taxes    13,165    12,797    2.9%    19,832    22,279    -11.0% 
NET INCOME    12,219    10,661    14.6%    16,629    17,510    -5.0% 
    2Q08    2Q07    Var.    1H08    1H07    Var. 
Gross Operating Revenues    99,944    99,330    0.6%    196,946    194,067    1.5% 
Net Operating Revenues    66,954    67,453    -0.7%    130,778    130,637    0.1% 
Cost of Electric Power    (36,837)   (37,281)   -1.2%    (72,242)   (69,019)   4.7% 
Operating Costs & Expenses    (12,737)   (20,706)   -38.5%    (27,554)   (37,530)   -26.6% 
EBIT    17,380    9,466    83.6%    30,982    24,088    28.6% 
EBITDA    19,894    12,125    64.1%    35,997    29,369    22.6% 
Financial Income (Expense)   1,110    2,022    -45.1%    1,420    2,544    -44.2% 
Operating Income    18,490    11,488    61.0%    32,402    26,632    21.7% 
Income Before Taxes    18,488    11,349    62.9%    32,294    26,364    22.5% 
NET INCOME    12,233    7,028    74.1%    21,966    16,656    31.9% 

(1) Financial information on the company CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007;
(2) CPFL Jaguariúna = information related to distributors’ consolidated: CPFL Leste Paulista, CPFL Jaguari, CPFL Sul Paulista and CPFL Mococa.

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11.3) Statement of Assets - CPFL Energia

(R$ thousands)

ASSETS    06/30/2008    03/31/2008 
Cash and Banks    869,611    1,147,248 
Consumers, Concessionaries and Licensees    1,734,280    1,880,053 
Financial Investments    36,316    37,246 
Recoverable Taxes    186,696    170,725 
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts               (89,305)              (90,996)
Prepaid Expenses    96,641    69,383 
Deferred Taxes    226,485    254,059 
Materials and Supplies    15,351    14,817 
Deferred Tariff Cost Variations    501,308    619,477 
Derivative Contracts      5,609 
Other Credits    94,139    106,099 
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS    3,671,522    4,213,720 
Long-Term Liabilities         
Consumers, Concessionaries and Licensees    186,190    191,975 
Judicial Deposits    546,722    517,103 
Financial Investments    103,870    102,493 
Recoverable Taxes    96,903    99,281 
Prepaid Expenses    14,615    13,969 
Deferred Taxes    1,140,132    1,148,252 
Deferred Tariff Cost Variations    277,103    173,802 
Derivative Contracts      61,783 
Other Credits    205,001    244,837 
    2,570,536    2,553,495 
Permanent Assets         
Investments    2,617,536    2,661,497 
Property, Plant and Equipment    7,374,944    7,240,127 
Special Obbligation Linked to Concession    (962,354)   (943,140)
Deferred Charges    69,722    66,425 
    9,099,848    9,024,909 
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS    11,670,384    11,578,404 
TOTAL ASSETS    15,341,906    15,792,124 
Note: Financial information on CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007. 

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11.4) Statement of Liabilities - CPFL Energia

(R$ thousands)

LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     06/30/2008    03/31/2008 
Suppliers    842,455    912,442 
Accrued Interest on Debts    13,594    10,417 
Accrued Interest on Debentures    90,990    85,074 
Loans and Financing    519,459    639,001 
Debentures    366,022    153,669 
Employee Pension Plans    40,011    56,084 
Regulatory Charges    72,760    73,454 
Taxes, Fees and Contributions    492,299    527,061 
Provision for Contingencies    15    780 
Dividends and Interest on Equity    624,735    743,572 
Accrued Liabilities    57,397    39,608 
Deferred Tariff Gains Variations    231,027    310,602 
Derivative Contracts    4,282   
Other Accounts Payable    446,507    438,556 
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES    3,801,553    3,990,325 
Accrued Interest on Debts    26,278    14,570 
Loans and Financing    2,998,034    3,010,693 
Debentures    2,213,947    2,392,539 
Employee Pension Plans    590,726    611,158 
Taxes, Fees and Contributions    26,908    14,393 
Reserve for Contingencies    117,055    115,447 
Deferred Tariff Gains Variations    111,345    32,166 
Derivative Contracts    152,151    45,146 
Other Accounts Payable    256,592    248,171 
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES    6,493,036    6,484,283 
Capital    4,741,175    4,741,175 
Capital Reserves    16    16 
Profit Reserves    213,643    213,643 
Retained Earnings      273,067 
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY    4,954,834    5,227,901 
Note: Financial information on CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007. 

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11.5) Income Statement - CPFL Energia

(R$ thousands)

    2Q08    2Q07    Variation    1H08    1H07    Variation 
OPERATING REVENUES                         
 Eletricity Sales to Final Consumers    2,969,581    3,016,861    -1.57%    6,192,411    6,008,806    3.06% 
 Eletricity Sales to Distributors    206,565    153,500    34.57%    422,096    285,102    48.05% 
 Other Operating Revenues    262,976    239,226    9.93%    506,630    457,407    10.76% 
    3,439,122    3,409,587    0.87%    7,121,137    6,751,315    5.48% 
DEDUCTIONS FROM OPERATING REVENUES    (1,128,749)   (1,185,386)   -4.78%    (2,326,280)   (2,373,920)   -2.01% 
NET OPERATING REVENUES    2,310,373    2,224,201    3.87%    4,794,857    4,377,395    9.54% 
COST OF ELETRIC ENERGY SERVICES                         
 Eletricity Purchased for Resale    (1,095,505)   (974,390)   12.43%    (2,446,044)   (1,845,573)   32.54% 
 Eletricity Network Usage Charges    (197,536)   (174,998)   12.88%    (399,662)   (354,991)   12.58% 
    (1,293,041)   (1,149,388)   12.50%    (2,845,706)   (2,200,564)   29.32% 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES                         
 Personnel    (134,604)   (106,615)   26.25%    (254,074)   (203,952)   24.58% 
 Material    (15,224)   (12,156)   25.24%    (29,675)   (23,356)   27.06% 
 Outsourced Services    (86,729)   (78,015)   11.17%    (172,272)   (152,358)   13.07% 
 Other Operating Costs/Expenses    (59,883)   (61,485)   -2.61%    (118,555)   (108,801)   8.96% 
 Employee Pension Plans    21,016    12,581    67.05%    42,055    25,164    67.12% 
 Depreciation and Amortization    (92,373)   (94,953)   -2.72%    (188,908)   (184,232)   2.54% 
 Merged Goodwill Amortization    (9,545)   (8,166)   16.89%    (19,089)   (16,330)   16.90% 
    (377,342)   (348,809)   8.18%    (740,518)   (663,865)   11.55% 
EBITDA    717,933    814,100    -11.81%    1,363,553    1,682,989    -18.98% 
EBIT    639,990    726,004    -11.85%    1,208,633    1,512,966    -20.11% 
FINANCIAL INCOME (EXPENSE)                        
 Financial Income    85,431    76,511    11.66%    194,496    178,655    8.87% 
 Financial Expenses    (226,409)   (232,656)   -2.69%    (453,281)   (441,846)   2.59% 
 Interest on Equity             
    (140,978)   (156,145)   -9.71%    (258,785)   (263,191)   -1.67% 
OPERATING INCOME    499,012    569,859    -12.43%    949,848    1,249,775    -24.00% 
NONOPERATING INCOME (EXPENSE)                        
 Nonoperating Income    6,627    2,700    145.44%    8,344    6,005    38.95% 
 Nonoperating Expenses    (6,341)   (5,025)   26.19%    (14,493)   (11,169)   29.76% 
    286    (2,325)   -112.30%    (6,149)   (5,164)   19.07% 
INCOME BEFORE TAXES ON INCOME    499,298    567,534    -12.02%    943,699    1,244,611    -24.18% 
 Social Contribution    (44,449)   (51,995)   -14.51%    (87,638)   (116,963)   -25.07% 
 Income Tax    (123,095)   (145,975)   -15.67%    (249,612)   (285,062)   -12.44% 
CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDERS' INTEREST    331,754    369,564    -10.23%    606,449    842,586    -28.03% 
Non-Controlling Shareholders' Interest    (3,245)   (117)   2673.50%    (4,873)   (211)   2209.48% 
Extraordinary Item net of Tax Effects             
Reversal of Interest on Equity             
NET INCOME    328,509    369,447    -11.08%    601,576    842,375    -28.59% 
EARNINGS PER SHARE (R$)   0.68    0.77    -11.11%    1.25    1.76    -28.61% 
 Note: Financial information on CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007. 

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11.6) Income Statement - Consolidated Distribution Segment

(Pro-forma, R$ thousands)

    2Q08    2Q07    Variation    1H08    1H07    Variation 
OPERATING REVENUES                         
 Eletricity Sales to Final Consumers    2,807,634    2,890,129    -2.85%    5,862,086    5,763,976    1.70% 
 Eletricity Sales to Distributors    16,768    11,693    43.40%    57,268    33,000    73.54% 
 Other Operating Revenues    238,717    231,583    3.08%    462,784    447,707    3.37% 
    3,063,119    3,133,405    -2.24%    6,382,138    6,244,683    2.20% 
DEDUCTIONS FROM OPERATING REVENUES    (1,071,255)   (1,141,024)   -6.11%    (2,211,684)   (2,292,219)   -3.51% 
NET OPERATING REVENUES    1,991,864    1,992,381    -0.03%    4,170,454    3,952,464    5.52% 
COST OF ELETRIC ENERGY SERVICES                         
 Eletricity Purchased for Resale    (1,068,529)   (997,897)   7.08%    (2,331,768)   (1,941,786)   20.08% 
 Eletricity Network Usage Charges    (191,276)   (167,272)   14.35%    (387,447)   (343,513)   12.79% 
    (1,259,805)   (1,165,169)   8.12%    (2,719,215)   (2,285,299)   18.99% 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES                         
 Personnel    (118,063)   (96,511)   22.33%    (224,427)   (184,712)   21.50% 
 Material    (12,823)   (10,830)   18.40%    (25,237)   (21,446)   17.68% 
 Outsourced Services    (73,322)   (64,869)   13.03%    (142,360)   (126,035)   12.95% 
 Other Operating Costs/Expenses    (46,447)   (55,091)   -15.69%    (90,114)   (95,403)   -5.54% 
 Employee Pension Plans    20,583    12,352    66.64%    41,161    24,706    66.60% 
 Depreciation and Amortization    (74,808)   (78,419)   -4.60%    (155,047)   (154,907)   0.09% 
 Merged Goodwill Amortization    (5,686)   (4,626)   22.91%    (11,371)   (9,251)   22.92% 
    (310,566)   (297,994)   4.22%    (607,395)   (567,048)   7.12% 
EBITDA    482,667    596,249    -19.05%    964,912    1,231,585    -21.65% 
EBIT    421,493    529,218    -20.36%    843,844    1,100,117    -23.30% 
FINANCIAL INCOME (EXPENSE)                        
 Financial Income    75,761    67,548    12.16%    164,311    153,867    6.79% 
 Financial Expenses    (115,447)   (116,321)   -0.75%    (228,329)   (241,500)   -5.45% 
 Interest on Equity    (63,080)   (34,238)   84.24%    (63,080)   (34,238)   84.24% 
    (102,766)   (83,011)   23.80%    (127,098)   (121,871)   4.29% 
OPERATING INCOME    318,727    446,207    -28.57%    716,746    978,246    -26.73% 
NONOPERATING INCOME (EXPENSE)                        
 Nonoperating Income    6,609    1,362    385.24%    8,322    2,800    197.21% 
 Nonoperating Expenses    (5,346)   (5,024)   6.41%    (12,511)   (10,784)   16.01% 
    1,263    (3,662)   -134.49%    (4,189)   (7,984)   -47.53% 
INCOME BEFORE TAXES ON INCOME    319,990    442,545    -27.69%    712,557    970,262    -26.56% 
 Social Contribution    (29,198)   (39,787)   -26.61%    (62,843)   (87,673)   -28.32% 
 Income Tax    (77,785)   (108,576)   -28.36%    (177,720)   (240,212)   -26.02% 
CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDERS' INTEREST    213,007    294,182    -27.59%    471,994    642,377    -26.52% 
Extraordinary Item net of Tax Effects             
Non-Controlling Shareholders' Interest             
Reversal of Interest on Equity    63,080    34,238    84.24%    63,080    34,238    84.24% 
NET INCOME    276,087    328,420    -15.93%    535,074    676,615    -20.92% 
 Note: Financial information on CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007. 

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11.7) Income Statement - Consolidated Generation Segment

(Pro-forma, R$ thousands)

    2Q08    2Q07    Variation    1H08    1H07    Variation 
OPERATING REVENUES                         
 Eletricity Sales to Final Consumers    901    753    19.65%    1,835    1,724    6.44% 
 Eletricity Sales to Distributors    205,395    177,115    15.97%    397,776    333,716    19.20% 
 Other Operating Revenues    10,137    2,382    325.57%    12,272    1,866    557.66% 
    216,433    180,250    20.07%    411,883    337,306    22.11% 
DEDUCTIONS FROM OPERATING REVENUES    (14,623)   (13,733)   6.48%    (26,941)   (23,960)   12.44% 
NET OPERATING REVENUES    201,810    166,517    21.19%    384,942    313,346    22.85% 
COST OF ELETRIC ENERGY SERVICES                         
 Eletricity Purchased for Resale    (669)   (704)   -4.97%    (25,196)   (1,260)   1899.68% 
 Eletricity Network Usage Charges    (7,427)   (8,471)   -12.32%    (14,998)   (12,962)   15.71% 
    (8,096)   (9,175)   -11.76%    (40,194)   (14,222)   182.62% 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES                         
 Personnel    (6,616)   (6,445)   2.65%    (12,063)   (11,462)   5.24% 
 Material    (566)   (454)   24.67%    (1,057)   (840)   25.83% 
 Outsourced Services    (7,038)   (5,629)   25.03%    (14,283)   (11,610)   23.02% 
 Other Operating Costs/Expenses    (10,525)   (4,355)   141.68%    (20,491)   (9,849)   108.05% 
 Employee Pension Plans    447    229    95.20%    894    458    95.20% 
 Depreciation and Amortization    (16,862)   (16,183)   4.20%    (32,552)   (28,688)   13.47% 
 Merged Goodwill Amortization    (3,859)   (3,540)   9.01%    (7,718)   (7,079)   9.03% 
    (45,019)   (36,377)   23.76%    (87,270)   (69,070)   26.35% 
EBITDA    166,397    140,459    18.47%    293,569    264,983    10.79% 
EBIT    148,695    120,965    22.92%    257,478    230,054    11.92% 
FINANCIAL INCOME (EXPENSE)                        
 Financial Income    4,555    4,017    13.39%    9,696    8,730    11.07% 
 Financial Expenses    (53,168)   (43,586)   21.98%    (101,761)   (83,175)   22.35% 
 Interest on Equity    (35,260)   (36,226)   -2.67%    (35,260)   (36,226)   -2.67% 
    (83,873)   (75,795)   10.66%    (127,325)   (110,671)   15.05% 
OPERATING INCOME    64,822    45,170    43.51%    130,153    119,383    9.02% 
NONOPERATING INCOME (EXPENSE)                        
 Nonoperating Income    17        17     
 Nonoperating Expenses    (884)   (1)     (884)   (385)  
    (867)       (867)   (380)  
INCOME BEFORE TAXES ON INCOME    63,955    45,170    41.59%    129,286    119,003    8.64% 
 Social Contribution    (5,410)   (2,782)   94.46%    (11,448)   (9,581)   19.49% 
 Income Tax    (14,944)   (8,746)   70.87%    (32,360)   12,920    -350.46% 
CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDERS' INTEREST    43,601    33,642    29.60%    85,478    122,342    -30.13% 
Non-Controlling Shareholders' Interest    (1,705)       (2,418)    
Extraordinary Item net of Tax Effects             
Reversal of Interest on Equity    35,260    36,226    -2.67%    35,260    36,226    -2.67% 
NET INCOME    77,156    69,868    10.43%    118,320    158,568    -25.38% 
 Note: Financial information on CPFL Jaguariúna is considered in the CPFL Energia consolidated statements and in the consolidated statements by segment (distribution, generation and commercialization) as from July 2007. 

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: August 12, 2008


  José Antonio de Almeida Filippo
  Chief Financial Officer and Head of Investor Relations


This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.